
Reading someone's profile

Do people actually read the profile of the girls who post pics here. If you did you would find out that there are fa's, mutual gainers, gainers, feedees, foodees, etc.

Why is it that someone is posting a comment under a pic "need more growth" when the girl has clearly stated that she is a foodee and not a feedee or gainer.

It's no wonder that the male ratio on this site is more than the female, as they have been frightened off.

When a pic says encourage me or shame me or tell me I'm fat then fair enough but when a non gainer posts a pic look at either her profile or pic comment before commenting.

Tell her how beautiful she looks and not they she needs to balloon when she is not here for that.
10 years

Reading someone's profile

I think when version 2 comes it would be good if we could have a separate female feedee/gainers photo section and a non gaining photo section. Although this may be difficult it would stop us from losing so many female members 5 minutes after they join.

It would clarify it for those that don't or can't read and then stop the unwanted questions and unwanted requests.
10 years

Reading someone's profile

Actually I have had phone conversations with people on here. One girl was from Leeds in Yorkshire, she was nice but would ring me at unsociable hours like 2-3 am and then wouldn't let me off the phone. I had to block her in the end.

I think that messaging people on this site doesn't work unless the other person really likes you or wants to make a friend. Phone calls are much better because you say more and conversation flows. My problem is that when I get to phone call stage people find out what a lovely person I am and want to talk to me but getting past the comment and messaging stage is the difficult part.

As a person you have to be honest and trustworthy but that's difficult to do on a website when there are so many people who are creepy and crude with there behaviour.
10 years

Reading someone's profile

You write bloody good English, better than most English people!!!
10 years

Reading someone's profile

I always read the profiles: some of the most interesting information is on the profiles.
10 years

Reading someone's profile

Wait... people don't read profiles before sending a message?
10 years

Reading someone's profile

10 years

Reading someone's profile

Random exchange between two people in chat from years ago:

Girl: "why didn't you read my profile?"
Guy: "lol didn't wanna read it, simple as that"

Such people are either mentally lazy, or they don't care and are fishing to see if they get a bite.
10 years

Reading someone's profile

@Saph, and people wonder why sometimes women leave the site days upon joining. Imagine an inbox full with such messages. smh
10 years

Reading someone's profile

Also people only support the women when they are gaining but should a women decide it was wrong for her or she feels a little bit uncomfortable or unattractive and suggest she might lose a little bit of it then all hell breaks loose, she loses all support and rather than talking to her about it and either reassuring her she looks good or helping her out, people turn their backs on her and say your not allowed to talk about that here, but other websites for that are available.

She then feels used, get disgruntled and leaves. Now no one told her to gain it was her choice but we all enjoyed her whilst she was fulfilling our fetish. No support though if she shrinks a little.

If this site wants more women to join and stay, it needs to change it's views and be more unstanding.

There is nothing wrong with a woman whose weight yoyo's because she can't make her mind, so support her as you know she will only grow twice. Once a little bit, lose it because she was uncomfortable and she criticised by close ones then she thinks to hell with them and second time around she will pile it on like she originally intended, except she will share it with a different website instead of us because we weren't there for her when it mattered!!!
10 years
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