
Help: is he a fa or no?

Without knowing him, it's never easy to say.

But, It does certainly look like he is really into your size, and also into you as a person too.
I Kinda agree with Elanor though, maybe I'm old-fashioned lol, but I think meeting somewhere (doesn't have to be around loads of other people), maybe a park etc, and making sure he is who he appears to be, is the safe 1st step.
Somewhere like a park would not be too 'busy' but would offer some sort of assurance and safety, should he not be exactly what you were expecting.
10 years

Help: is he a fa or no?

As has been said above, it's pretty hard to give a straight yes/no to this kind of thing without knowing them.

Is he an FA - seems likely. If he isn't (his answers may not signify an *exclusive* attraction to fat women, possibly he likes women of all shapes and sizes), it sounds like he's very much into *you*.

I've never done the whole internet dating thing, so the compatibility stuff is slightly beyond me, but on the whole it sounds like you've got a decent jumping off point from which to *find out* if he's worth your time.
10 years

Help: is he a fa or no?

I am sure he is an FA, no doubt about that, but I would not be asking someone I for belly shots though. That sounds like he is after something physical. That should of course not stop you from meeting him, but be sure to explore he is in for the long run.
10 years

Help: is he a fa or no?

I'm a bit concerned that instead of meeting the guy in public place to determine what sought of guy he is you are going straight to his.

How do you know he's not a rapist, a serial killer, a woman or wife beater. I think you are putting yourself in a dangerous position and should wake up to the fact that you don't know this guy.

I have dealt with rape victims and people who have been the subject of sexual abuse and violent physical abuse and in over half of the cases it could have been avoided, if a bit of common sense had been used.

Please go out on a date first and build up a bit of trust.

I'm not saying anything will happen to you, I'm just saying don't put yourself in a position where it could.
10 years

Help: is he a fa or no?

Yes Elanor agreed but until the law has a penalty of castration I don't see I don't see the situation changing.

No means "no" simple as.

When all guys accept that the world will be a better a place!
10 years

Help: is he a fa or no?

Fastfooddeliveryservice wrote:
How do you know he's not a rapist, a serial killer, a woman or wife beater. I think you are putting yourself in a dangerous position and should wake up to the fact that you don't know this guy.

You're never going to know if somebody is one of those things. I don't think it makes a huge amount of difference whether you stay at your date's by design or circumstance, first date or fifth date. In reality you're not going to be able to determine whether somebody is a rapist by having coffee with them anymore than you can through conversation online.

Being a woman itself will always put you in a vulnerable position and if we were to live by avoiding rape we'd be able to do very little.

Back to OPs original question, yeah he sounds like an FA, but I'm always wary of people who aren't from this site too. Hope you have a great fatty time!
10 years

Help: is he a fa or no?

Might as well go for it. It sounds like he's into you.

I read your other thread, and I totally get that you got burned pretty recently, but you can't let one bad experience with a person turn you off from all of them.

If he sounds so perfect, the rewards outweigh the risks, right? Either meet a really awesome guy, or have another possibly shitty experience (and the only reason that you have to believe that might happen, it seems, is your own gut feelings/anxiety because it's happened before). That sounds like a risk that's worth taking.
10 years

Help: is he a fa or no?

Nobody can know for sure whether he or she will find a person attractive without meeting her or him (not least because, for example, a person's voice is actually an important part of attractiveness). If he wants to meet you, he likes what he sees so far. I imagine that you'd find out rather more decisively whether he does find you attractive in person (and, indeed, whether you find him attractive in person) when you meet.
10 years