
Reading someone's profile

While I agree that people should read prodiles, and I agree that people should respect what people say about not wanting to gain, this IS a website about gaining. It's like joining a web site about games, and asking people not to talk about games.

Also, it is foolish for anyone to leave because of one or two people who annoy them. They may miss out on making a great friendship from someone else later on.
10 years

Reading someone's profile

I agree but I would of like it if the girl in question could of been given the chance to say why she felt uncomfortable after gaining the weight.

How did peoples perceptions of her change, how did their attitudes towards her change and was this the reason why she felt uncomfortable. If it was then, then is it about her feeling that she needed to lose to fit in with others ideals, which is wrong. The advise there would be you don't need to live by other peoples ideals and opinions only your own. Therefore it is about helping her to accept who she has become and to be happy with it. If it was because she didn't like it for her own reasons ok good luck with it.

I love the idea of a bit if sociology here because it helps me understand people and there feelings more. My main would be to know more about why a girl decides to gain weight, ie is it a love of food, a love of the idea of being fat, are you doing this for yourself or for your other half, has there been something that's happened in your life to make you want to become fat. That is why the forum side is so great as it gives you this insight.

As with if you are in conversation via message or chat room with a female and they stop talking to you or messaging you for what ever reason, don't hound them why but just accept it and move on. If they decide to talk to you in the future then just accept them back as a friend and be grateful.
10 years

Reading someone's profile

Idaeus88 wrote:
So many people list themselves as Fat Admirers when they actually only appreciate their own fat.

I think the list of fetishes could be both longer and better explained.
For example if you're just fat and want a non-feeder partner what do you pick?

Yeh I want Boob lover quite dissapointed about that lol!
10 years

Reading someone's profile

Please don't erect a picture of an erection here, lol.
10 years

Reading someone's profile

People are free to gain or lose, but I don't think you can have it both ways. Gainers come here because the admirers/feeders/encouragers are here to admire, feed, and encourage. That is their preference.

If someone joins a website for a particular religion, and they change their religion, they can't expect to get the same reception they once had.
10 years

Reading someone's profile

For whatever reason people just don't read profiles on dating sites. I have no idea why, nor do I understand the mindset of someone that doesn't even skim a profile.

Missing a word or two here and there, like not seeing Star Wars as an interest, is different, but how does someone not even bother skimming?

Just strange. We have the ability to tell people about ourselves without awkward conversation and yet people ignore it.
10 years
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