
Seattle meet up in september

Keep me in the loop. smiley
10 years

Seattle meet up in september

I also recently moved to Seattle. It would be great to meet some of y'all!
10 years

Seattle meet up in september

Either day works for me.

Is the seating accommodating for folks who are on the bigger side?

Is there a date that you want us to RSVP by for a reservation?
10 years

Seattle meet up in september

I'd be interested in going, here's my email if you need it.
10 years

Seattle meet up in september

I am up for Wednesday or Friday. It would be great it we made it a weekly occurrence! ReadTheWind I will PM you my email address.
10 years

Seattle meet up in september

ReadTheWind wrote:

Friday, September 19th
Around 6:30 PM

Ruzhen Mongolian Grill
4523 University Way NE
Seattle, WA 98105

All you can eat Mongolian BBQ. Pay by the pound. Not sure on the price range. Expect buffet pricing? Afterwards, we could go somewhere else (FOR DESSERT!?)-- we will decide during dinner!

I recommend traveling by bus or carpooling. We all know what parking is like in Seattle. I've never been here before. This place has pretty good reviews on Yelp for the most part, so we'll see!!

LET'S MEET OUTSIDE OF THE RESTAURANT AT 6:30 PM AND GO INSIDE AS A GROUP IN BETWEEN 6:45 AND 7:00 PM. I'll make a reservation for that time depending how many RSVP's I get before then.

Post a reply to THIS POST 'quote' with a "Yes I am going to go!". I'll keep track of everyone! If anything comes up, I WILL POST ON THIS THREAD.

I'd like to make a more usual buffet-trying meet every few weeks or so! Let's see how this one goes.

Yes I am going to go
10 years

Seattle meet up in september

Yes. I'm going to go.
10 years

Seattle meet up in september

I can make it out that day, I'll be there.
10 years

Seattle meet up in september

I called and made a reservation for 10 at 7pm. I will be getting there closer to 7 because Seattle traffic on a Friday night is a cruel mistress. Reservation is under KATY.
10 years

Seattle meet up in september

I had fun! Let's keep it going!

Happy hour @ Dragonfish downtown on Sat 10-4??
10 years
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