Fat experiences

Secretly getting fatter.

If you are not sure of the reaction, you can always kid around and see her reaction. Say something like, "If I order dessert, I'll gain ten more pounds (or 4 more kg)." See if she wants you to, doesn't want you to, or doesn't care either way.
10 years

Secretly getting fatter.

I can understand the distress in figuring out the right way to discuss.

It seem's like you are fairly new in this relationship....how long have you known here or been going out?

I have been married for many many years and dated my wife for several years before that. At the beginning I told my wife or girlfriend at that time fairly directly to lay off the gym and eat more. Then I asked her to try and gain some weight for me. Many years years have passed by and she gained and lost many times not necessarily for me but mainly because she likes to eat and really loves her sweats.

In the last several years I found myself gaining while stocking the house full of food and deserts and snacks in hopes she would eat herself out of many sizes of clothes. I happened to gain during this times and decided to intentionally gain myself along with her gaining 10-15 Lbs. I ended up gaining close to 40 Lbs. and she never mentioned anything other than a couple of times playfully when she was intoxicated.

Currently she is on a good gaining streak of her own and I don't mention anything for fear she may try and diet to lose all her new sexy Lbs. She is walking around the house with tight shorts and tiny tank tops that barely fit now due to her 25 or Lb. weight gain......it is so damn sexy but I don't say a thing. There are times where her belly is so big after dinner and multiple deserts that her tank top rides up exposing her now huge lower belly roll. don't say anything but sometimes I think she wants me to notice or say something.....even though in the past she would a lot of times be disgusted by her gaining.....but this time she seems like she wants me to notice and point out the obvious.

I slow down and take a deep breath and say nothing. I guess what I am saying is that maybe 25% of her might be intrigued by her fattened up figure and displays it openly in front of me ....possibly to watch my mouth water or my jaw drop open but ultimately I think if I discussed her weight gain she would get more and more turned off by it. Simply because most people are not like us and can talk and think about weight gain almost all the time.

Hopefully you are right and your girl is into gaining herself and you can have a mutual gaining relationship.
I would say hint around and see how she takes it.

Let us know how it goes.
10 years

Secretly getting fatter.

Try: "I'm thinking of gaining some more weight. What do you think?"
9 years