
Fit and fat ?

Yeah there certainly people who are fat and fit here. For a while I was tweeting with the hashtag fit feedee. I love to eat and think my belly looks great but I love hiking and cycling just as much.

Last week I started running again and am now up to 2.65 miles in one go. The funny part of now vs when I was skinny is that now my fat giggles all over the place as I jog.
9 years

Fit and fat ?

Moved to weightgain forum
9 years

Fit and fat ?

I try to stay fit, because my predominant body type Vata
needs movement to feel good. Currently I'm not getting enough, as I'm too much of a brainiard. But I think I want to have a strong healthy heart and being fat and being healthy and fit is not exclusive.

And I notice that lugging around the weight that I have now when walking also is a lot more excercise as it used to be, when I think that now it is like I carry a 80 pound bag with me all the time.

I do the typical Kung Fu apprentice regimen, which means instead of going to a fitness center, I work out by performing every day tasks, like carrying the water buckets up the mountain to the monastery. Oh wait, I mean take the trash out, carrying the bag with stretched out arms, fixing the car, emptying the dishwasher or doing PC muscle contractions. ;-)

Not what others would ever call fit, but it works for me.
9 years

Fit and fat ?

I bike regularly but still eat a ton. I feel pretty healthy and am just pretty thick all over, except my belly that is the softest part

From some of the research I have done it is actually healthier to be fat - I am trying to get up to where you are and still remain in good shape.
9 years

Fit and fat ?

I have been gaining for the last couple of years. I got up to 218 lbs., but lost some due to some health issues this spring. Even while actively gaining I ran every day and exercised regularly as well. I liked having my belly larger, but I still want to main some degree of fitness.
9 years

Fit and fat ?

I’d argue that it is possible to be at least moderately fat and moderately fit at the same time. I think I have a pretty good personal example at hand:

We (my wife and I, both in our mid-forties) re-laid out our patio this weekend. In preparation on Thursday I dug out the new area, and my wife had already removed all the concrete pavers. While waiting for gravel deliver on Friday, my wife and I took a bike ride to get groceries then took a walk to pick up some lunch and other supplies. After the gravel was delivered to the front of the house, my wife and I shifted the several tons of it from where it had been delivered around to the back, spread it around, leveled it, and pounded it down with a hand tamper. On Saturday we did the final fine smoothing and leveling of the gravel (a good hour of being hunched over and doing fine, controlled work), then spread and leveled sand, put the paving stones back, added edging, and brushed in finishing sand.

We had a couple of broken blocks, so had to make a run to the store to get replacements. On the way my wife commented that she thought something was wrong with our scale, as it was telling her she weighed two hundred and forty pounds, and she’d never been that heavy before. I admitted that it was telling me that I was two-twenty-seven, also my heaviest, but based on some other scales I thought that was at least roughly correct.

On Sunday we were both stiff, but that didn’t stop us from biking where we needed to go in the morning and taking a walk in the afternoon--basically still able to go and usefully do stuff after a couple of days of a fair bit of manual labor. I think that is a fair definition of being at least moderately fit?
9 years

Fit and fat ?

I have been gaining for the last couple of years. I got up to 218 lbs., but lost some due to some health issues this spring. Even while actively gaining I ran every day and exercised regularly as well. I liked having my belly larger, but I still want to main some degree of fitness.
I up to around 190 I would love to have a nice fat pot belly but be fit and fat. I am be doing some research and trying to get this figure out let me know if you have any ideas. I would like to get up to around 225 to 235 have a fairly large belly and be fit.
9 years

Fit and fat ?

hmm don´t know if that belongs here but i find that fit fat things somehow so arousing .

I always been very active in sporst but now that i have a slight tummy and realizing although i though i am quite fit i am not anymore i find the aspekt of a girl who could lure me over to eat more and get to a point where she would be better in most sporty things very entiing and the though i might not be able to slim down as easy with her at my side than before ....:-) so that at one point i couldn´t hide my belly anymore from others or her ;-) and i would be interested when getting chubbier that when the point comes where i would be not as fit as my gf if that would make me train again until i get as fit as her again or if i would not be able to resist her cooking and teasing and just stay chubby ...:-)
9 years

Fit and fat ?

My ex ran daily and would do weights to support her back but weighed around 240 @ 5'5. I remember the day she thrashed one of her skinny friends at couple of sets of tennis then proceeded to eat 2 victory burgers from the bbq at the club.

On the other hand my friend and his wife are fitness models and can barely get up a hill on a bike or touch their toes. They just spend 45 mins a day on one specific muscle group with no cardio to ensure they look "the picture of fitness"

To state the obvious, Sumos train intensively all day then gorge on chankonabe to reach their ideal low centre of gravity and hefty mass.
9 years