Body inflation

Is it possible to pop?

The likelihood of someone eating to the verge of actually bursting their stomach is almost nonexistent. Several factors come into play. First, gastric pressure increases to the point your esophagus muscles cannot contain the contents of the stomach (Puke)! Second, the intense pain of an overstretched stomach will deter further consumption of food or drink. Third, long before your stomach will actually burst, it will expand tremendously to the clinical definition of "Acute Gastric Dilation", I have person knowledge will explain further later in this post. Acute gastric dilation occurs when a person eats enormous quantities of food and drink forcing the stomach to stretch far beyond it's normal capacity. Typically, it's very painful and Gastric Lavage (stomach pumping) needs to be performed once this occurs because the extremely overstretched stomach cannot perform it's normal rhythmic smooth muscle contractions to move the contents onward and into the intestines. I will add that with increased pressure in the stomach the lower sphincter muscle also releases stomach contents into the intestines (unprocessed) to further aid in the prevention of a stomach rupture. The esophagus muscles also become stronger and develop the ability to hold down much higher than "normal stomach" pressure.

I will add that from a personal experience with an ex, it is extremely dangerous for a binge eater to have a medical prescription for muscle relaxer and pain killer. I have an ex who pulled some muscles in her back and was prescribed Demerol and muscle relaxer. Two meds that should never be prescribed to an extreme binge eater! Just imagine, you feel no pain and your muscles are relaxed and can stretch and stretch and stretch! Yes, I actually had to drive my ex to the ER after a massive binge (acute gastric dilation) to have her stomach pumped! 11-1/2 liters of stuff was evacuated from her stomach and a mandatory psychiatric consultation....... Long story!
9 years