
Can i trust you?

Ask to see their facebook profile before you meet. You will be able to see whether they are genuine (and dont have a partner!) or not. Then again, maybe asking for this might sound a bit weird!

From a male perspective: meeting women from dating websites seems fine to me. I did a bit of internet dating a year ago and I met some really great people, had a laugh, great conversation and all that jazz.

I suppose what i'm saying is take a risk. Yes, you may meet a few boring guys or maybe even a compulsive liar but the gamble is worth it. There are so many great people out there and it would be a shame not to explore those possibilities.
9 years

Can i trust you?

LOL. I am 64 years old and married. So I am honest. Now, not many people want to chat with me. So, unfortunately, I think that is why people are not honest. For the record, I have met dishonest women too online. Not just men.
9 years

Can i trust you?

my experience has been the same, one guy swore he had no girlfriend.. then surprise he had a gf of 6 years, most of the people here, women included, are just here to masturbate to the content, and while thats fine, most wont make that clear to you, so be careful and dont get too invested in anyone is my advice
9 years

Can i trust you?

"just don't get invested in anyone" is a great phrase. most of the time theyre c*nts. take them lightly, and take control of the situation. if they set out to use you, use THEM, instead.

tread carefully, and id also suggest always adding them on facebook too before you meet. gives you a better idea of what theyre gonna be like. eg. not an absolute mental case/prick with a gf

also don't be scared to tell everyone how little their penis was if they turn out to mess you around
9 years

Can i trust you?

SilverRider wrote:
also don't be scared to tell everyone how little their penis was if they turn out to mess you around

Love this.
9 years

Can i trust you?

Been waiting for an untrustworthy experience. People are so straight these days, taking all the fun, outta the job.
9 years

Can i trust you?

I'm paranoid about trusting someone with my fat fetish secret, I've gotten very good at hiding it all these years so it's become second nature to me now. Except on sites like this, we can all be freaks together here with no judgement. This is one of my happy places I go to when I need a fat boy fix or just to read some stories.
9 years

Can i trust you?

bulletvalentina wrote:
Tbh you can't really trust anyone ....or at least i don't people will tell you anything to get a personal gain or even to play games. It's messed up what happened to you but you do have to be careful and take everything with a grain of salt .Especially guys or girls on the web they can do or say anything and be totally different and or bad people....kinda creepy really.

You have to keep it in the middle. You can't be too cynical, or you may end up rejecting someone who is your sould mate. On the other hand, if you believe everything you hear and fall in love based on that, you are going to get hurt.

It's easy enough to weed out most of the bad ones. If you can't call him, or if you can't visit him, he probably is married or has a girl friend. If the stories are inconsistent, or if he is always making up excuses, then he is not telling the truth.
9 years

Can i trust you?

crazyfatty420 wrote:
Don't expect to fall into a normal relationship on FF. We all know what this content is all about, to feed our fetish in everyway that feels good. No strings just have fun with it. Remember this is just a fantasy. Just my 2 cents

I'll tell that to the people who have formed meaningful, long-term relationships that incorporate feedism.
9 years