
She's off to a fast start.

Elanor wrote:
Yes, that's very fast.

Also, she's either a girl or a woman. Not a female. Thanks.
what's wrong with the term female? Just because you have trouble with that identifier doesn't mean we all do, try to make it a suggestion instead of a command next time?

Back to the original post, it seems fast to me as well. I know my own weight tends to go up 5-6 pounds depending on the time of the month within a short amount of time if you catch my drift. I've heard from some that this amount of flux is normal but I could easily be wrong. Congrats on finding someone who's into the wg tho! Hope everything goes well!
9 years

She's off to a fast start.

It is fast, but so much depends on a person's metabolism. Mine was at a standstill from under eating before I started gaining, and I put on 19lbs in 8 days. And it stuck!
9 years

She's off to a fast start.

That's fast. I suspect it's a re-gain or she's struggled with her weight for a long time and the pleasure of letting go is so intense that her appetite is uncontrollable.

Either way, I'd say your encouragement is working!
9 years

She's off to a fast start.

In the early going you can gain a fair bit of food weight. Much of that weight will be stuff in her digestive track, only a part will be permanent fat.

In a few days of stuffing I can go up around ten pounds, but once back to normal eating only a couple of those will stick around.
9 years

She's off to a fast start.

sugarkitten7 wrote:
Elanor wrote:
Yes, that's very fast.

Also, she's either a girl or a woman. Not a female. Thanks.
what's wrong with the term female? Just because you have trouble with that identifier doesn't mean we all do, try to make it a suggestion instead of a command next time?

Female is an adjective, not a noun. Somebody can be female, but a person cannot be "a female" (just like a person can be tall, but a person cannot be "a tall"smiley.
9 years

She's off to a fast start.

jedwin wrote:
Female is an adjective, not a noun. Somebody can be female, but a person cannot be "a female" (just like a person can be tall, but a person cannot be "a tall"smiley.

I'm not sure where you got that from, but it isn't remotely true. 'Female' can certainly be used as a noun.

I call my fat friends (who are into it - I'm not just gratuitously rude) "the fats" haha. Because it sounds funny. Eg. Fats! 50% off at Domino's! GO GO GO!
9 years

She's off to a fast start.

Using the general term "a female" makes her sound more like a science project.If you have any type of feelings for her something a little more specific like a lady would sound much better.
9 years