Extreme obesity

To large/heavy for........

I don't how I4m weight because the scale can't reach my weight
13 years

To large/heavy for........

xabss wrote:
shazzy wrote:
I have broken too many beds to mention,

write in more detail

You must have to beat the ladies off with a stick...
12 years

To large/heavy for........

OniGumo wrote:
xabss wrote:
shazzy wrote:
I have broken too many beds to mention,

write in more detail

You must have to beat the ladies off with a stick...

It only took one time beating off with a stick to teach me what a bad idea it is. :o
12 years

To large/heavy for........

fatbellygirl wrote:
trealFA83 wrote:
thenowhereman wrote:
Anyone too big for a twin sized bed?

I think I am weight wise. my bf bed is very old but when o sit on the hole bed sinks to the middle really bad

Size-wise I'm too big. I have to sleep on it on my side and I still cover the whole thing with a bit of over-bulge. I'm also too tall for them.
11 years

To large/heavy for........

I'm not that huge either, but I recently realised that I'm too heavy for our aluminium stepladder. Also, I have to use the last notch on my watch strap.
10 years

To large/heavy for........

Pretty much to large to get to my feet. I hate having to tie shoes. I ties them once just tight enough to stay on my feet and loose enough to just slip on and off.
Clipping my toenails, while able to do, always takes more effort than it did 100lbs ago.

Most ladders. Definitely too heavy for most ladders.

And if I go somewhere and there are flimsy plastic folding chairs set up for everyone to sit in, I'll leave. Those things could barely hold me at 270, sure as hell won't do it as the weight creeps over 400.
10 years

To large/heavy for........

XxlGirl wrote:
I'm too big and heavy for most small cars now. I have to sit in the back and even the the seatbelt won't fit. I've actually damaged or broken the suspension on 3 different cars in the last month, not all by accident either smiley

I think you definitely need to elaborate on these smiley
9 years

To large/heavy for........

I am too large and heavy:

* To enjoy a meal that doesn't include dessert.
* To really enjoy a meal without having seconds.
* To fit comfortably in most cars unless it is an SUV or full size one.
* To fit comfortably in theatre or stadium seats.
* To buckle my seatbelt on an airplane without an extender.
* To be able lower the tray table all the way down because my belly is too big.
* To run more than a dozen steps without getting winded.
* To climb more than a dozen stairs without getting winded.
* To fit into regular chairs if they have arms.
* To fit into most restaurant booths.

Having said all of the above, I do love being fat!
9 years
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