Extreme obesity

Feeling alone at your size

That really saddens me that a lady who has recently married and is a wonderful ssbbw feels like you do. Especially that you have been so positive in the UK size acceptance movement. I personally think you deserve better for what you have achieved. Let me reassure you that you are not alone. I have personally been in the community as what some would class as a lurker since the mid 90s as a fa and feeder. The people i know and trust [ especially one couple ] are now extremely private about there chosen lifestyle and no references can currently be found on the internet]. Unfortunately being a lady of size is not socially acceptable along with smokers heavily tattooed people or anyone that does not fit into what society says is normal. Let me state again you are not alone but in a minority where everyone is judged by appearance and belief. You are a wonderful lady and my only advice is to be yourself and true friends will see past what they do not understand.
12 years

Feeling alone at your size

shazzy wrote:
I do know some amazing people just sadly they are quite away, away and sadly cash always comes into not being able to see people.
My husband makes me very happy, but he isn't the same as hanging out with a group of friends and having a laugh.
I just find sometimes that I feel very alone, not because he isn't here or doesn't spend time with me, but more he doesn't understand and isn't near my size. But also we have complete different interests.
I guess it makes one of the reasons why I would like to be slightly slimmer just so life would be so much easier.

We all have to choose what route to take in life,sadly I chose the wrong one,taking that into account in addition to other issues I have has really ruined the last couple of years for me,I hope outside influences don't push you one way or another,you are a lovely young lady,and I wish you well
12 years

Feeling alone at your size

ReadTheWind wrote:
I can sort of relate. I'm tiny at only 100lbs, but I go to a school where's there's only a few overweight people. I sometimes see this one guy who is quite large and I really want to talk to him and be his friend. I'm too shy though. He's always alone... Where I live it's unacceptable to be overweight. I live in a beach/party culture community where if you're not at the gym for at least 6 hours a day, then you're a nobody and far from attractive. I feel really upset that I can't find any large people here to befriend and cuddle up to. I just want to find people like you guys and hang out. You'd get so many compliments (and cookies) from me all the time!

Me: I'm not worrrrrthy of your goddess-like presence!

Imaginary large friends: Char, shut up you're embarrassing us!

Me: But you're soooo amaaaazing!

I would go for it anyway. Just say hi, and see where it goes. He is probably shy too.
12 years

Feeling alone at your size

johnxyz wrote:
ReadTheWind wrote:
I can sort of relate. I'm tiny at only 100lbs, but I go to a school where's there's only a few overweight people. I sometimes see this one guy who is quite large and I really want to talk to him and be his friend. I'm too shy though. He's always alone... Where I live it's unacceptable to be overweight. I live in a beach/party culture community where if you're not at the gym for at least 6 hours a day, then you're a nobody and far from attractive. I feel really upset that I can't find any large people here to befriend and cuddle up to. I just want to find people like you guys and hang out. You'd get so many compliments (and cookies) from me all the time!

Me: I'm not worrrrrthy of your goddess-like presence!

Imaginary large friends: Char, shut up you're embarrassing us!

Me: But you're soooo amaaaazing!

I would go for it anyway. Just say hi, and see where it goes. He is probably shy too.

Seriously, just go for it, even if nothing comes of it, you could totally make his day, hell even his life. Women have no idea how much impact just saying "hi" can have on a guy.
12 years

Feeling alone at your size

Yeah, there are sometimes lonely moments. Majority of people hate their extra pounds here and they assume that everybody does so. Very few bigger persons are visible in streets, but there are still nowadays enough that I am now able to buy clothes local special shop not to travel abroad for every item. Or simply our businesspersons have found this sector of consumers. However I am happy and according certain questionarie I fullfilled couple of years ago are 98% of people in planet Earth smaller than I am. smiley
12 years

Feeling alone at your size

I know it too. I'm live in france too and I am the fattest in my family and friends. I would like encounting another person who are as fat as me or fatter to talk about day's difficulties we can have when we walk, for clothes ....
10 years

Feeling alone at your size

I think it would be grate to have some kind of resort for big peoples hollidays. Where at least once a year ore so you could meet people of your size you maybe know from the internet or in person, but are not able to see on a regular basis.
I know there is someting like it allready, but one may not be enaugh....
(btw i know this is not "the solution" to your problems but just a thought of me.

sry if my english isnt too good.

what do you think?

one other thing i want to mention is that (and i dont want to sound harsh on this) many of us have this feeling alone problem, even if not allways because of weight, but just because of beeing wo we are...
9 years