Fat experiences

When your shirt gets tight...

It depends if I am on one of my Intentionally gaining streaks!

During these times when I have gained a lot of weight and my XL ....T-shirts are absolutely snug after many washes from slight shrinkage but mostly huge Fat belly syndrome.....and they ride up a bit exposing my Huge "Muscle Chub Gut" I tend to not even stretch them allowing my belly to look huge.

I am amazed myself after stuffing a large meal and plenty of snacks how big and inflated my Gut gets and I try and show it off to me wife trying to get a comment...... Like, "Wow, you have gotten so huge and Fat".

I have different size fitting dress shirts and during these timesI would wear some of my tighter work dress shirts which are totally snug and after I eat I look like a big Fat guy that is going to pop several buttons off......I have purposely gone to visit a few close customers after a huge lunch followed by a couple of milk shakes just to try and get a reaction or have them mention something.
The Guy customers have never flinched or noticed anything but the women clients have done double takes and even "rubber necked" as they were in shock. One client who I have had for years and are very close.....when I gave her a hug good bye she actually placed her hand on my belly after the embrace and patted it a bit but said nothing....almost she couldn't resist in touching it but very non threatening.

But ironically enough when I am not gaining I try and look thinner and stretch my shirts.
9 years

When your shirt gets tight...

ChrissieVolf wrote:
I tend to buy babydoll type shirts a lot haha so when my belly gets bigger they go from being flowy to kinda normal. But with T shirts I stretch them by scrunching down and pulling them over my knees!

Oh hehe i love that when girls do that preferably with one of my shirts ^^

but it´s always ht to see a little bigger belly of a girl stretching a shirt ;-)
9 years

When your shirt gets tight...

I just like to let them cling smiley i like the stares and ESPECIALLY the comments
9 years

When your shirt gets tight...

I used to stretch shirts with my hands all the time, and I still do if I am going to be around certain people. But around strangers, I love letting my belly be on display... definitely got a few stares for it today!
9 years

When your shirt gets tight...

With every pound that I gain, I move up to a larger size top. Some 3X's are small, but I'm entering the size 4X. My belly is getting ready to hang lower.
9 years