
Which fat is best?

I like heavy, shorter women. My wife is two hundred pounds and only five foot four inches tall. She has a very pronounced belly and round butt, with modest boobs, very soft.
9 years

Which fat is best?

BELLY. Particularly when you get that fold of overhanging flab that begs to be caressed with two hands. mmmm
9 years

Which fat is best?

AlexxxReturns wrote:
The best shape IMO is where everything is in proportion.

Nice double chin (gotta have that =P) and good moobs, back fat, belly and butt not TOO big (some people like these bigger I know but I just prefer them in proportion with the rest).

Is that a strange way to feel here? Liking the body big but not... too big?

Oh no i hope not :_) although i find the thought thrilling that i might really loose control at some point having a nice gf who knows how to push you to eat a little bit more i find a littl muscle and some soft pudge on top very sexy on girls and me ....

and proportions have to be sexy and not to etreme .....

so you are not alone ^^
9 years

Which fat is best?

BELLY. Particularly when you get that fold of overhanging flab that begs to be caressed with two hands. mmmm
3 years

Which fat is best?

Big ball belly, pregnant looking, with huge saggy tits resting on it, with a large side order of side boobs and back fat. Flabby bingo wings arms a bonus.

Perfect woman!
3 years

Which fat is best?

This is totally a matter of individual preference. I particularly go for soft, jigging fat all over, fat you can bury your hands in and squish through your fingers. The less firm, the better. I love huge, jiggling thighs and asses, soft, flabby bellies, and lots of side rolls and back fat. That doesn't mean I can't be attracted to other physical types - it's just my personal favorite.

100% same here. The softer and squishier the better. Every soft, flabby, and saggy with rolls and cellulite.
3 years

Which fat is best?

Blubbery with some firmness underneath. A roll of blubber that overflows the belt and ripples with walking or movement.

Comedian Faisal Kawusi.

3 years

Which fat is best?

Soft, bouncy and well spread with a hint of firmness.
3 years