Extreme obesity

Why do guys like ssbbw?

It's really hard to say why people are attracted to anything. People don't ask guys why they prefer blondes or redheads.

Most people will say the politically correct thing that it doesn't matter if someone loses weight. But it would probably be loving someone for other reasons despite the weight loss. Luckily diets slow the metabolism down, and after a diet most people will regain more weight than they lost.
9 years

Why do guys like ssbbw?

Interesting post ....I had to respond!

For me ....I have always been attracted to chunkier girls when I was younger and years later my desire for more weight on women has increased.

I have always been into weight gain on women and watching the changes as they became bigger. I appreciate weight gain on all women but am most interested in the one I am with to gain weight. I really like everything about my wife as she gains weight....first and foremost her care free and more sexual attitude, definitely her bigger appetite......her bigger belly, fatter sexy thighs, her softer and wider love handles, her big wide bubble butt, her breasts that seem to get enormous, her fat pillowy upper arms with just a hint of cellulite on them and even her heart shaped face as it softens and looks puffier with an ever so slight double chin.

With all this said everyone has a preference and I think there are a lot of guy's that like heavier women other than the ones who actually admit it. I myself as previously mentioned used to like girls on the shorter side and who were chunkier than normal, then I began to like women who were clearly overweight by most peoples standards, as time went on I liked women 200 Lbs., then 250 Lbs. and now I find myself loving the look of a shorter woman that is 350+ Lbs. My wife is 5' 3" and around 175 Lbs. with a fairly small frame/bone structure.....she was at 200 Lbs. after several kids and she looked amazing....I can't help but wonder how she would look at say 250 Lbs. and I even wish I had a crystal ball to see her at 300 Lbs......oh heck I would think she was mouth watering babealicious at that weight....I already know......I guess it is the saying you can never have to much of a good thing.
9 years

Why do guys like ssbbw?

I'm not specific to SSBBW, but for me, generally being most attracted to fatter women "just is." In much the same way that I'm attracted to women, (not girls, not horses, etc). Since I can remember they have just been 'my type.'

Body size is not the only factor in who I'm attracted to, by any means, but it is probably the single strongest physical factor.

And of course, I think because of general societal views, most fat people have had to deal with a little less of a privileged social position in life, which sometimes results in being more empathetic, self-aware, and prone to develop strengths beyond looks--so that helps too in the non-physical category.
9 years