Lifestyle tips

Staying healthy

Jhale wrote:
metroidnerd wrote:
Vegetable oils are much healthier than animal or processed fats. I would encourage a diet high in carbs and unsaturated fats, such as those found in olive, coconut, or flax. Also avoid processed foods at all cost, and go for whole, raw, organic ones whenever possible.

I disagree. I know that saturated fat is good and coconut oil is indeed a saturated fat. Also, eating meat will probably be important for even better health. A variety of fats is the best thing and olive oil and canola oil, corn oil et cetera. should be used no more than necessary. Cold-pressed is best for oils like that to actually be healthy, but that usually spoils. Expeller-pressed is important to at least have less health problems. Good quality, grass fed meat is full of healthy fat and other strongly healthy aspects that no other food could match.

I agree with Jhale. The oils thing is a complex issue. It's all about complicated science and the types of essential fatty acids, omega-3 and triglycerides. It's also to do with what else is in your diet.

Certain oils can help improve health eg. improve insulin sensitivity, which is good for those of us who may have an increased likelihood of diabetes. But only if you're not eating a terrible diet (eg. lots of carbs, trans-fats, processed food) as well.

There is strong evidence that certain vegetable oils (eg. canola, corn, sunflower) are not good for you at all.

Whereas monosaturated fats (eg avocado, olive oil, most nuts) can be excellent for you. NB. olive oil should not be used in cooking on a high heat as it then become bad for you....

Other good fats are those from fish and flaxseeds (the omega-3 oils).

Many people advocate eating butter if it's organic and from grass-fed cows. It contains the type of tricglycerides that won't raise cholesterol.

Some of the up-to-date information on fats runs entirely contrary to the now-defunct or disproved "received wisdom" (eg that sunflower oil is healthier than butter) and it's scary how many apparently qualified health professionals still peddle this nonsense.

This article explains what I'm trying to say much better:

Happy healthy gaining x
9 years