
2015 resolutions?

Watch 110 movies.

That's it.
9 years

2015 resolutions?

I haven't finished my 2014 resolution yet.
9 years

2015 resolutions?

I never bother to make resolutions, I never stick to them anyway. I'll give them to others like say one of fat guy friends. I'll tell him he has to gain 70 pounds by Valentine's Day and see if he actually sticks to it.smiley
9 years

2015 resolutions?

The last year of my life has been life changing... it went from a very dark and lonely time to being one of the best, most exciting years I have had so far. I am in a fantastic place right now and would like this to continue. So, in 2015 I want to:

1. Continue discovering myself and be as awesome as I am already, if not more awesome.
2. Learn to drive now I have the money.
3. Get a promotion of sorts after I have passed my probation at work.
4. Travel more, go on at least two more holidays other than the one I already have booked, possibly go back to America.
5. Self-reliance and independence is a big thing I need to work on. I need to be firm and make sure that if someone is making me unhappy, I sack them off completely.
6. See my mum more and continue to improve my relationship with her.

9 years

2015 resolutions?

1.) Do more thinks i Like to do
2.) get dating again to find a nice girl and be more open about myself
3.) maybe even eat a little more and see how it looks like before chrsitmas so it´s a 2014 resolution not finished ;-)
4.) Try to sort my life out
5-) renovate my rooms
6-) pay all debts and earn more money
7.) Try to not change the world with words and feel more alive with fun and activities
9 years

2015 resolutions?

RoyalFreyeness wrote:
Murphy wrote:
Watch 110 movies.

That's it.

You should be able to get that done in what? A week? Maybe two at the most.

Hah. smiley I'm well into the 90's for this year's count, but it's made a bit more difficult what with having other obligations to take care of and a multitude of distractions including, but not limited to, TV shows, video games, books, school, and work.
9 years

2015 resolutions?

Never done one. Might look into it. On the other hand, I might not. smiley
9 years

2015 resolutions?

I'll probably make the same resolution I've made the past couple of years: Not to hate.

I think it's had a positive impact on my outlook.

Though I might add: Be more productive about looking for a job and getting into Grad School.
9 years

2015 resolutions?

For the last few years I've had the same resolution every year (don't be 'that guy' ) but looking back on 2014 leads me to have 3 resolutions:

1. Build up a cash reserve: Way too many of my problems this year wouldn't have been problems if I had a month or two of regular expenses stashed away for emergencies.

2. Make a final decision about my weight: Either devote myself to fitness and get in shape or say 'screw it!' chow down and become a full-fledged fat guy, one or the other.

3. Find an actual career, instead of a job: You can only work behind a cash register for so long before you realize that the opportunities for advancement are almost nonexistent. It's time to find employment that i'm not embarrassed to talk about.

There are more, i'm sure, but I can't think of them at the moment...
9 years