
Chubbed up boyfriend

There's no reason you can't enjoy his fat while it's present. But, if you continue to feel like you want him to keep getting bigger, you should definitely consider talking to your boyfriend about it. He might be more open to the idea than you'd expect.
10 years

Chubbed up boyfriend

How's it going now?

Inquiring minds want to know.

Well, at least, my inquiring mind wishes to know what has happened the last 8 months.

It's okay if you don't want to share, but I am curious about his.


ThatArtsyType wrote:
So I've been out of town for the last eight months, with only a couple visits home here or there. The first four were fine - I even made another visit to see him in February.

However, I cam'd with him last night, and it looks like he's put on quite a bit of weight for such a short time... as in, his chest used to be flat as a board with a sorta nerdy thinness - and since February he's developed a faint pudge and the beginnings of moobs.

All while I was out of town. I'm overwhelmed with excitement to go back, but kinda nervous too.

I've always kept this fetish strictly to this site, and (personally) have a hard time reconcile deliberate extreme fattening with health concerns... but now I'm finding myself hoping he doesn't drop it too quick over the summer, or maybe even continues to slowly gain... Ahhhh!!

I'm not really sure what to do here, because as far as he's told me, he wants to be athletic...

Well, I'm armed with the info that his favourite food is butter chicken. Not sure whether making it for him is crossing boundaries or being a stellar girlfriend at this point... help?
9 years

Chubbed up boyfriend


this lucky guy ;-)

(from the other perspective lol)
9 years