
Anyone else have this fantasy?

Throw on a bed and induce me in a 3 week food / sex coma, then wake me up with an extra 50 pounds or so? Where do I sign up?smiley
10 years

Anyone else have this fantasy?

Oh, at least a million times. haha

It's one I'd LOVE to come true, actually.
10 years

Anyone else have this fantasy?

To me, any excuse to over eat and gain weight would be fantastic! I would sign up in a heart beat.

Great fantasy.

Ned Fox
10 years

Anyone else have this fantasy?

h yes this is a hot fantasy ;-) i would love to see those changes on me and the comment and teasing from my girl feeder then ^^.

Oh some measuring and some fitnesstest before and after would be nice as well ;-)
10 years

Anyone else have this fantasy?

I have the same fantasy. Both for myself and for role reversal. The only thing I might ad is to be tied "spread eagle" to a bed an have my belly continuously packed with food, slowly expanding upward until I can't see over the top.
10 years

Anyone else have this fantasy?

Ooh, love this idea. Id love if it happened to me :\\smiley
9 years