
Point of no return?

I can barely do 1 sit up. I think Ive passed the point of no return. How am i meant o get slim with a fat gut in the way smiley
9 years

Point of no return?

Nomoreskinnygirl wrote:
joe6828 wrote:
Has anyone ever decided to gain a little bit but then ended up just getting huge instead? Ie is it hard to stop?

Uh, yeah. I think my first goal was 140 from a low of 111, and I didn't quite get there before losing 20 pounds again. I thought 140 was really chubby. Hahahahahaha. I hit 200 last winter and am floating around 160 after trying to lose weight. I can't get it to stay below 158 for more than a couple of days no matter how hard I try. So apparently, this is my new normal. :-) I've been getting the urge to eat recently, so the winter weight gain will probably follow shortly. Why fight it right? I don't want to freeze to death, after all.

Oh that sounds interesting so yu manage to gain a lot of weight and then slim down again very interesting ...:-) and that´s rare i guess

I just would love to get to a point where it would be a bit harder than now to get back into my shape i am in now.

But i fear a little hehe that i might get to lazy and to comfy by steadily eating more .....

I guess i will find out meeting a girl like you ^^ nomoreskinnygirl ....
9 years

Point of no return?

AskDrFeeder wrote:
joe6828 wrote:
Has anyone ever decided to gain a little bit but then ended up just getting huge instead? Ie is it hard to stop?

I've heard of people just gaining a little bit, realizing they liked it and gaining a lot more on purpose.

I've never heard of gaining a little as an experiment, not liking it, and then gaining a large amount uncontrollably.

However, it's probably happened. Some people get huge whatever they do (even if they've never gained an ounce intentionally).

Doctor, I think of this as falling under a common fantasy many of us having about feederism -- the fantasy of losing control. And so the notion of reaching a "point of no return" is both scary and seductive. And for some, it becomes a self-fulfilling dream of pleasure which on the reverse side is a nightmare of horror -- as seductive as any pleasure.

Oh well, just my armchair psychoanalysis of all this.
9 years

Point of no return?

GrowingLoveHandles wrote:
Doctor, I think of this as falling under a common fantasy many of us having about feederism -- the fantasy of losing control. And so the notion of reaching a "point of no return" is both scary and seductive.

Quite true. There's that side of it. But this thread is also useful as a caveat to people contemplating gaining. I'm not saying they shouldn't gain, just that they should be aware of the possible consequences.
9 years

Point of no return?

I've been skinny and very very over weight and losing weight was not all that hard but I would rather stay in between chubby and sort of fat.
9 years

Point of no return?

The "destined to be fat for life" kicked in for me pretty early. I hit 200 and then pounced up to 220 pretty quick, and that was when I knew I was completely addicted. It was that I started seeing pictures of myself and it really started to kick in that I was really getting FAT, not just chubby like I had been my whole life, but actually fat.

And that it was also the lifestyle. I was suddenly so comfortable with myself, after years of struggling with body image issues, I felt comfortable letting my belly hang out, squeezing into small clothes and wearing them proudly, or eating until I was stuffed (and talking about how stuffed I was) without feeling self-conscious.

For me, the bigger I get the more free I feel. Sometimes I second-guess it and think "okay I'm fat enough, maybe let's slow down for a bit" but that usually only rests in my mind for a few hours before I wander back into the kitchen to look for something to eat haha or tell someone in my life how good it feels to be fat and not worry.

I'll happily NEVER be thin and insecure AGAIN.

All this you have written is pretty empowering stuff and sexy as hell from my perspective!
9 years
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