
Feeder to feedee?

I have been an encourager of my wife's weight in the past and currently. I finished up my reserve military service and am no longer under any weight/fitness standards. I have started gaining and have put on around fifteen pounds in the last two years. I'm currently heavier than I have been is years and I am enjoying the feeling of the extra weight. My wife tried to diet last January and went on a serious eating healthy kick. I ate burgers, pasta and pretty much stayed with what in the past had been our usual fair. I enjoyed the irony of she trying to lose while I tried to gain. Good luck, hopefully you will find someone.
9 years

Feeder to feedee?


I don't think you will find this phenomena all that uncommon! Seems there are many posts on here about that.

And this is exactly what happened to me and got me interested in the feederism community.

It is a love-hate relationship, but believe me, you might as well not fight it. Just accept it, and enjoy life to the fullest!

Best to you, man!

9 years

Feeder to feedee?

Yep this happened to me several times over the last few years.

Stocking a lot of food and sweets in the pantry in hopes that my wife would start gaining a lot of weight back again.....all of a sudden I noticed my pants not being able to fasten up with out a slight bulge hanging over the waist band.

After this I turned myself into the project and it became kind of addicting seeing how Fat I could get. My eating became out of control and I was inflating and gaining at a very fast rate. For a short while I was more turned on by my wife hopefully noticing how Fat I was getting rather than watching her gain weight. Mostly because she wasn't gaining nearly as much or as fast as I was.

So, I guess there have been short periods where this flipped but ultimately I enjoy my wife getting fatter and not myself the majority of the time. But I guess if there is a void with her getting Fat I my as well enjoy myself fattening up during those times.
9 years