
Anonymous crush venting

I fell a little in love with my O-Chem professor. She was so pretty, like nerdy-chic. I dunno. She was just, wow.

I also had a little crush on my Evolutionary Bio professor. She was from Eastern Europe, and always wore these really high-fashion looking outfits with these crazy heels. And she'd kind of strut back and forth on the stage at the front of the classroom as she gave her lectures.
9 years

Anonymous crush venting

Oh yes i know that feeling very well it happened to me quite a few times that i come to like someone very much to the extent i can´t get her out of my head for some time or even years .....but she wasn´t into me or the other way around ......

that´s really depressing over time must be something wrong with my radar :-)

and just a few days ago i met a really lovely girl with amazing ees but she is only 24 but very smart and nice but I am 40 now .....

so no real chance for that ever to happen .......

ah so i feel with you all but nevertheless have a nice christmas ;-) smiley
9 years

Anonymous crush venting

Wolfie, story of my life! that has happened to me with a few professors.

Had this guitar teacher once (married, twice my age,obviously). Really intelligent, interesting, funny guy. Disgustingly musically talented. 300lbs ish sexy stud. I was weak for him!

...sometimes he would make off-hand comments about his weight, his love of good food....that time he explained tension and release in music (because CLEARLY that's a sexual metaphor)...when he'd take my hands to correct my finger position on the fret board.

Ahem, anyway, yep we've all been there Wolfie!
9 years

Anonymous crush venting

Wolfie wrote:
Unlikely wrote:
Does having a crush on you count?

Haha, thank you. I think my self-esteem just catapulted up to maximum capacity. :)

OniGumo wrote:
I fell a little in love with my O-Chem professor. She was so pretty, like nerdy-chic. I dunno. She was just, wow.

Glad I'm not the only one who's fallen for a professor! Nothing sexier than a beautiful braniac. Did you also work your butt off in their classes to get an A and impress them, to the detriment of everything else in your life? Because that's exactly what I did.

I did, in O-Chem. I got an A in the lecture part, but my grade wound up being an A- over all because I did less well in the lab.

In Evo-Bio though...I got consistently distracted by the professor's Catwalk turns. Wound up with like a B, B+ I believe.
9 years