Submission and domination

Role play secretely fattening

Whoploc wrote:
Probably my all time favorite thread lol. This is one of my favorite most craved fantasies to fatten up a helpless girl! Love all the detailed descriptions people have shared, makes me want to to fulfill this all the more. Enacting a plan where the girl gets fatter, and fatter, softer and softer. Unknowingly playing right into my plans as she packs on pound after pound of pure flab.

Her belly growing bigger....Softer....Her hips wider.....thicker......Pound after pound, her will to resist non-existent, the fatter she gets the less she can or wants to do about it so she just becomes lazier and eats more food. The appetite stimulants seem to be doing the trick.

8...10...12...16...18...22..24 Her body expands past all of these, but all of these are sizes she will never know for all her clothing sizing chart has been slightly altered...some labels ...corrected

Cellulite and flab are visible everywhere, along a red and white stretch mark highway that covers her now massive body. Her belly is heavy and spreads outward in every direction. Flabby and jiggly it bounces and shakes with every slight motion. It is made all the more obvious by her massive bloated breasts, which are barely covered or contained by a long outgrown belly shirt as evident by the strained crumb covered fabric, which rest atop her top belly roll forming a fatty quad-boob. Her thighs massive and wide cellulite filled tree trunks touching all the way to her fat obscured knees tapering into huge muscle-less cankles. Her massive ass counters behind her, spreading outwards merging with the rolls of flab that ooze from her belly. The only sign she is wearing underwear are slight strips of fabric that occasionally peek out from between her rolls or the brief periods when she is standing, her once tiny spandex boy shorts now are holding on for dear life as they more resemble a thong lost in her cavernous ass.

I walk in with another tray of food and her "vitamins" and "diet shake"a grin on my face knowing this is only the beginning for my little piglet and little did she know what was in store for her next

Can we do a roleplay where you are fat,I bully you,and you get your revenge on me by force feeding me until I'm the size of a king sized bed?
10 years

Role play secretely fattening

So, I start to notice my wife slightly gaining and eating more snacks and treats. I start to stock the pantry with cookies, chocolates, chips and the freezer with Pints of ice cream and other ice cream snacks.

She continues to eat more and more in the next weeks. I begin to buy more and more each time. (5) boxes or cookies, several pounds of chocolate, (7) bags of chips, (5) pints of fattening ice cream and huge family size of ice cream treats. She still mentions nothing and at a very fast pace consumes the volume of treats.

At this point I rarely see her snacking but when I get home their are multiple ice cream wrappers, chip bags, etc. in the trash and much of the snack inventory depleted.

As her appetite grows out of control as she sits down her large breasts in her very snug tank tops are huge along with an upper belly roll smashed next to them and her lower belly roll resting on her lap. As my eyes make their way down with her body with her legs so femininely crossed her thighs look so massive and sexy along with her ever growing ***....just as I am in awe of her sexy fattened figure....a soft voice says "what are we going to do for dinner, I am starving". It was almost music to my ears.

I don't know if this can be classified as "secret fattening" because she is a pretty sharp woman.....but I guess she just caves into her huge sweet tooth and love for snacking. I mean when I fill the pantry and the freezer with that much snacks and ice cream it is almost obscene and totally obvious.

The best part of it is her appetite grows out of control and she cant really stop eating like this with out huge effort and even sometimes that doesn't even work for many months.
9 years

Role play secretely fattening

Secretly fattening up a girl has been a huge fantasy of mine ever since I saw the episode of Malcolm in the middle where Hal did that too Louis when she was pregnant or in mean girls with the Kalteen Bars. . . Like switching out the regular milk for whole milk or adding weigh gain powder to her meals. I dated a girl for a few years and every time I see her or go over her house I'd make sure to stop by the store and pick up some chocolate bars or desserts, she never really caught on to it. By the end of our relationship she went from being 5 feet tall 105 lbs with nice C cups to 5 feet tall 120lbs with DD's, it was a dream come true .
9 years

Role play secretely fattening

yea if you know the other one likes gaining secretly but just likes this kind of setup some secret feeding or encouraging is a really nice thing i would love in a relationship and some nice lovely teasing would be nice , too ;-)
9 years

Role play secretely fattening

osubuckeye101 wrote:
I dated a girl for a few years and every time I see her or go over her house I'd make sure to stop by the store and pick up some chocolate bars or desserts, she never really caught on to it. By the end of our relationship she went from being 5 feet tall 105 lbs with nice C cups to 5 feet tall 120lbs with DD's, it was a dream come true .

Did the relationship end when she realized that you were using underhanded methods to alter her body into what you wanted, or...?
9 years

Role play secretely fattening

The roleplay?
8 years

Role play secretely fattening

Okay....this thread has come back after a year....great because it is a very hot one.

My wife goes through some aggressive snacking stages many months at a time and sometimes longer where she really starts to pig out. I start to notice her gaining weight and it look's so sexy on her. During these times I keep the freezer and pantry obnoxiously filled with her favorite fattening ice creams, cookies, chocolates etc. Several times I thought she was going to scold me for buying so much of her favorite fattening things after she has noticeably gained some weight form her continual snacking....instead she thanks me for buying her favorites and starts right in on a pint of ice cream. I am a bit in shock but also totally aroused by her thanks and excitement to stuff herself with her fattening snacks.

Many times in the past couple of years my wife has gained a good amount of weight during these times and her appetite got totally out of control which is so sexy when that happens.

I have this reoccurring vision and dialogue in my head of my wife coming up to me all vulnerable just finishing off a pint of ice cream with a little bit of ice cream still on her lip as she licks it off and gives me a big hug before she starts to get dressed to go out with friends for dinner. As she tries to get on a new pair of larger designer jeans she just bought and a silk tank top she can't even squeeze into....she struggles for a minute and realizes she has already out grown her clothes she just bought in bigger sizes two weeks ago. She becomes vulnerable and complains to me that it is my fault that I have allowed her to get so Fat....and that she is going to show me by getting really Fat she goes back into the kitchen and comes out with a bag of fattening cookies standing by me in her panties and Bra that can't even contain her luscious fattened figure. I am aroused in this dream and realize she can't stop eating out of control even if she wanted to now....she she feels entitled to blame me and show me she is trying to fatten up more when in actuality she can't stop eating. This is such a turn on for me....because of the vulnerability she displays as well as the out of control over eating.

Just thought I would keep this great thread going as well.
8 years

Role play secretely fattening

I would like to try this with hubby, but not sure he'd be ready for it yet...

We agree on how much more weight to put on me, and then not talk about numbers again until he suspects I've reached or surpassed it.

Then the rest is "hidden" from me. Some days he sneaks in weight gain powder and butter and oil, offers extra ice cream and cookies and pops little chocolates into my mouth, to pile on the calories, and some days he doesn't. Totally random, I never know when he's playing with me. Some nights he could ask if I'm feeling extra fat today, or if it was harder getting up the stairs or into clothes, and I'm so instantly turned on knowing he fattened me up that day, that I beg him to please his fat pig.

He controls how fast I gain, and I have no idea what his plan is - BUT I agreed to it so... smiley
4 years

Role play secretely fattening

I would like to try this with hubby, but...

Given that everything has been discussed and is consensual on all sides, that’s honestly a really hot role play idea. Definitely something I would go for myself. I hope it works out for you 🥰

He's just catching on to being a little more dominant, and teasing me. I used to be skinny, then I was fit, and now I'm chunking up and he's discovering the fun part of it, which is freakin' awesome. But this kind of play might be too much for him right now. It's a fun thought, though, a consensual sneakiness still gives up my power, holds the mystery factor, and I get bigger.

Right now we have occasional stuffing, teasing, ties me down, takes his time. But even outside of play, we're both enjoying my new size already. smiley If we played this game for real, I don't know how big I could get. smiley
4 years
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