
Weight gain from the holidays

I thinking around five pounds. I would like to see how I feel at 220 lbs. and how clothes fit etc.
Just a thought.
9 years

Weight gain from the holidays

I usually gain around 10 lbs. between Thanksgiving and New Years. I must admit I love this time of year for feasting on all the cookies, cakes, and candy that my co-workers bring to work and the wonderful fattening meals and parties.
9 years

Weight gain from the holidays

I am shooting for 10lbs this season. It will be a thrill to step on the scale come January.
9 years

Weight gain from the holidays

OK I planned on gaining nothing but I'm already up three pounds. Oops!
9 years

Weight gain from the holidays

I'm hoping for a modest 12 pounds - I'm at 279, and my heaviest weight was 290, so I'm hoping to edge it out this year. I've gained ~2 pounds/week since November 9th, so I think I can do it with a little extra eating. Fingers crossed (and then uncrossed so I can keep eating!)
9 years

Weight gain from the holidays

Gained 16lbs in just over 2 weeks! I wasn't packing much of a paunch beforehand but I stuffed myself on Christmas Eve and it felt incredible! I'd saved up £200 to binge on food in the holidays and tried to maintain the 'really stuffed' feeling for 2 weeks continuously until I went back to university. I ate lots of takeaways and 4 bowls of cereal each morning and night to keep my belly topped up and I think the sheer amount of calories and lack of exercise got me fat! smiley
9 years

Weight gain from the holidays

oh for me it was about 8lbs in your measurements form 91kg to 95kf or 96 more today :-) not ready to stop yet before i reach 101kg
9 years

Weight gain from the holidays

Accidentally gained 7-10 lbs! At my heaviest and feeling fat.
9 years

Weight gain from the holidays

Fatter and Reckless wrote:
Hows the gaining going everyone?

Im not sure if I gained any more weight but my clothes continue to get tighter and my stomach rounder and softer since the holidays. I havent exercised as much so I think the muscle is turning to fat. And I cant stop overeating... i have been averaging a pint of ice cream a day in addition to normal meals and other random acts of gluttony! smiley
9 years