
Overwhelming male population?

ok :-)

interesting thread:

I think it´s about or evolution and civilization why men don´t share compliments and share information or compliment each others like girls do.

We men were competitive in the stone age and only worked together for the greater good to hunt but had to be competitve when it came to who is the boss of the clan female sat together doing females work and chatting sozializing.
So up until now when i realize what kind of interesting and useful informations girls talk about like how is sex what the males are behaving like and what could be done , they share frutile information to make things better we male doesn´t share such kind of useful informationas i realized it mostly.

We may tell about how beautiful she was but we wouldn´t ever tell about how she could make it better doing a blow job or about sexy behavior we would like to see.

i guess we still are stoneageemen to some extent ;-) some more some less and it´s hard to change.

I am for example really not used to share feeling or things even with girls i don´t do that often ....
9 years

Overwhelming male population?

Also, you have to count the "closet factor"... since a ton of guys come here to get their "fix" on their fetish. How else do you explain the hundreds of empty profiles
9 years
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