
Weight gain since high school

PinkyDear wrote:
eating tiger obese dragon wrote:
I was 160 lbs in school,i was on the ski and football teams,my senior year i put on twenty pounds.As of yesterday i am 261 lbs,my twenty year reunion is in 2014 and i would love to be at least 300 lbs when i show up.The strange thing is it seems the bigger i have become the more i am being hit on,not only by bigger women but also small women and men.

I would love to see people's reaction to your gain at a reunion. Of course I suggest you gain 100 pounds before then so that you can walk in at 360 pounds, 200 pounds heavier than you were.

Pinky I would Really Enjoy seeing YOU at a High School Reunion! Some of us Remember that you were a 110 thin runner in high school! Would love to see you approach your track coach as the Goddess you are Now! smiley He would probably have to hear you speak before recognizing you.
11 years

Weight gain since high school

I was 140 when I graduated in 1989 and am 255 now. Nothing fancy, just slow and steady.
11 years

Weight gain since high school

LauLizabuff wrote:
I was about 190 when I left school & now I'm 280 smiley

Over six stone in three years? Without even trying? Not bad!
10 years

Weight gain since high school

I was 135 when I graduated high school. My heaviest since was 222 but I am currently 217.
10 years

Weight gain since high school

Left 5 years ago weighing about 130lbs, but now I'm stuck at 166
10 years

Weight gain since high school

150 by the time I graduated, I'm now over 460 lbs.

I've seen some friends from high school whose reaction being described as "shocked" would be an understatement.
10 years

Weight gain since high school

150 lbs after high school in 2008... 192 lbs now. Im happy with my lil bit of chubbyiness
10 years

Weight gain since high school

60 lbs... 175 and fit to 235 and chubby
9 years

Weight gain since high school

wow that´s a lot
9 years

Weight gain since high school

otherland78 wrote:
wow that´s a lot

I know, right. For some reason I don't feel like its been that much, so I am always shocked by that number.
9 years
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