
Belly classification system

xMitsuki13x wrote:
Wow. I'm one of the last categories. I didn't think I was that big. I'm a sitter. Haha.

One flaw in the Belly Classification system (pointed out by AliceInWonderland) is that a very wide range of bellies fall into the "sitter" category. It would be nice to have more granularity but I haven't been able to think of anything that would work.
9 years

Belly classification system

Was a brusher last time I posted on this, now definitely a sitter heading towards a spreader (I think thats the right term for when you have to start spreading your legs slightly when you sit?)
9 years

Belly classification system

Wishsprite wrote:
Was a brusher last time I posted on this, now definitely a sitter


...heading towards a spreader (I think thats the right term for when you have to start spreading your legs slightly when you sit?)

I don't know if that's really a thing Susan Eman could sit her belly on her lap when she was 700 lbs or so! It did stick out in every possible direction, but she never HAD to spread her legs.

However, maybe there's a point where spreading one's legs is more comfortable that keeping the belly in one's lap?

Anyone experience this?
9 years

Belly classification system

btw it would be really nice to have some drawn examples of bellies here to better imagine what state you are in ,-)

and it would be sure nice to see ....
9 years
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