
Mutual gaining

Mutual gaining would be ideal, but I am also happy as long as one of us is gaining smiley I havent found anyone thats a mutual gainer yet either.
9 years

Mutual gaining

My ex girlfriend and I moved in together just after I was out of college. It was a really serious relationship and I was in my first job into my career and she was in her last year of college. She was very beautiful....the type of girl most guys would say "she is so hot if she just lost 40 Lbs." when in actuality I was intrigued with her gaining even more weight of course.

She became a little home maker in our nice townhome. She would cook great dinners every night and became a really good baker as well. Several months had passed and I was as happy as can be with my new Office desk job and my beautiful girlfriend who now seemed to be getting bigger every month with the great dinners she would make followed by cakes, muffins etc. that she baked for desert. Six months had passed and I couldn't believe how much sexier she was with all the weight she had gained. I didn't dare say anything in fear she would want to try and lose the weight instead we went about our great meals and deserts and were happy as can be.

One day after work when I arrived home my beautiful girlfriend was on the couch crying ever so gently and upset. After talking to her I found out that she had her annual doctor's check up earlier that day and she was reprimanded by her Doctor because she had gained so much weight. When she told me I consoled her but at the same time was so aroused having her tell me this, not like I had not already noticed myself.....but her vulnerability made it that much sexier to me. As I was consoling her with a big soft hug she said "should we start working out and go on a diet together?" I thought I may have heard her wrong and replied "both of us go on a diet together, with a baffled look on my face?" She then said "you don't realize do you?" I said Ha......she said "You don't realize how big you have got also". All of a sudden I was in a state of shock and she came in for a soft hug again and then said "I guess I have been feeding us way to much food and deserts, along with you having a desk job and not playing sports anymore".
I became extremely aroused almost more than ever before, here was my extremely hot chubbier girlfriend that was now fat and even so much hotter giving the most loving hug with compassion and telling me that I have become fat as well from all her great I was thinking of all that was just said....she chimed in again and said "week's ago a couple of my friends were joking around with me and told me that I had turned us into a Fat married couple while living together, they knew how easy it was for me to gain weight but they couldn't believe how big of a belly you had developed. I stuck up for you and told them that I thought you look so cute with your new big belly." Once again a flush of arousal came over me to new heights. We discussed it for a bit and I told her I loved the weight she has gained and I think she look's sexier than ever and I wouldn't mind her gaining even more weight, in fact I told her the more weight she gains just makes her even more beautiful to me. She then told me she wouldn't mind my belly getting bigger still as long as I didn't get to big. All very general talking but right away she then lovingly patted my belly and said "like it would be easy for us to stop eating so much now anyway, sit down for some dinner Hun" Our open talk lead to more eating and teasing now, she would fill my plate with seconds and pat and jiggle my belly while she told me what she had baked for desert tonight. It was almost like it unlocked the doors for her she now would pile third helpings onto my plate even though I was full just so she could have thirds. At this point she could eat way more than me but she made a point to always make me try to eat the same. Just watching her eat would give me such arousal and pleasure. She knew I liked her Fat and she was going to give me what I was like a dream come true.

It was an unbelievable experience my beautiful Fat and getting fatter girlfriend who would tease her now Fattened up boyfriend (Me) so gently about his big new belly all the while I would watch her eat huge amounts of food and deserts and play with and talk about all her new Fat while she was tempting both of our huge appetites with more fattening deserts all the time.

So, there are mutual gaining relationships they develop I imagine is a variety of ways. Our happened I believe was because I had a very nurchering vulnerable sweet girlfriend who was able to gain weight very easy. With her knowing that I loved her fatter she was content with allowing herself to eat everything she wanted and her appetite soared out of control and even though sometimes she didn't like being as Fat as she was she was content because she knew how much I loved her and the weight she gained. She is not a typical feeder type but I know she always had a hard time not gaining weight and I think she was what you would call a food addict....and she could gain weight really easy. I on the other hand have always been into weight gain on women and never thought of it on myself....being that I could never gain any weight before this time because of my metabolism and always active and playing sports. All of a sudden no more sports, a desk job and a beatiful girlfriend that was feeding me huge portions of dinners of the most carb laiden food along with baked fattening deserts all the time.

I think finding a mutual gaining relationship where both parties have the same fetish isn't really by chance....more sought out on a board like this. If I wasn't married that might be the thing I would try if I was a guy trying to get into a mutual gaining's pretty much the ultimate arousal with this fetish from what I have encountered and worth a try to find.
9 years

Mutual gaining

wow that was very hot to read and lovely to see your cute teasing realtionship ;-)

thanks for sharing that with us ;-)

hehe i would be as equally aroused as you if a gf would point out my gainw heni am teasing her about her chubbiness ^^
9 years

Mutual gaining

I think that a mutual gaining relationship could actually occur quite accidentally or more likely unintentionally.
I have been gaining the last couple of years since getting out of the military reserves. I have put on fifteen pounds. I have "outgrown" many of my trousers and I'm getting thicker in the middle, not a hugely pronounced belly, unless I deliberately stick it out. My wife is a BBW and has been for many years. She has always been annoyed for lack of a better word with her weight and being out of shape. She recently seems to becoming my encourager. Always asking if I want seconds, last night she brought home a large pizza and a desert cake from a new bakery. She hasn't mentioned at all how much weight I have put on, but I know she has to notice. I deliberately stick out my belly while showering and dressing (45 inches!) so I know she can see how big I'm getting.
So I think a mutual gaining relationship can "evolve" over time, maybe accidental maybe to strong a word, but subtly watching each other gain a bit here a bit there maybe closer to a norm than society admits.
9 years

Mutual gaining

fanedfox wrote:
I think that a mutual gaining relationship could actually occur quite accidentally or more likely unintentionally.
I have been gaining the last couple of years since getting out of the military reserves. I have put on fifteen pounds. I have "outgrown" many of my trousers and I'm getting thicker in the middle, not a hugely pronounced belly, unless I deliberately stick it out. My wife is a BBW and has been for many years. She has always been annoyed for lack of a better word with her weight and being out of shape. She recently seems to becoming my encourager. Always asking if I want seconds, last night she brought home a large pizza and a desert cake from a new bakery. She hasn't mentioned at all how much weight I have put on, but I know she has to notice. I deliberately stick out my belly while showering and dressing (45 inches!) so I know she can see how big I'm getting.
So I think a mutual gaining relationship can "evolve" over time, maybe accidental maybe to strong a word, but subtly watching each other gain a bit here a bit there maybe closer to a norm than society admits.

I agree with you that it certainly can happen this way.
Your wife probably seem's more comfortable with her own gaining if she see's you gaining. Almost another commonality in the relationship. That's how I kind of see it with my wife when I gain and she gains.......not to mention the great meals to enjoy together.

The only difference I see with my wife and I during these times....I don't ever discuss her weight gain and she doesn't talk about it isn't the full mutual gaining feeling that is so psychologically pleasing.
9 years

Mutual gaining

billedmeup wrote:
Great story voluptuouslover. How and why did it all end?

I think people naturally tend to gain weight together. If one is into eating big meals, the other will tend to go along. If one is into fitness, the other will tend to go along with that. I see this all the time. If one is fat, the other is usually fat. My wife would never eat dessert unless I eat dessert.

My girlfriend was great but had many issues and slightly destructive behavior and it kind of ran its course. We ended up breaking up several times prior to ending it for good. She had a great personality and was model like in her appearance ..... a beautiful Fat model but her issues haunted her.
9 years

Mutual gaining

Sorry to hear about your breakup. Your story of your mutual gaining relationship was wonderful. I would love to experience that. Having said that I do think mutual gaining also occurs unintentionally when your are comfortable in a relationship, love to eat, and share meals and desserts together. I was at a Super Bowl get together over the weekend with 3 other couples and all of us were in long term relationships and overweight to one degree or another. It was quite pleasant looking at all of us gathered around the television, over-eating and drinking together, the guys with our big bellies sticking out and our now fat wives spilling out of their jeans and bursting out of their tops. Two of the wives use to be very athletic in college and now weigh upwards of 300 lbs. We all got fat just letting life happen in long-term relationships of unintentional mutual gaining.
9 years

Mutual gaining

I tend to feel that a mutual gaining relationship is only fair. I would never want to ask another to take a risk(health or otherwise) I myself wouldn't take. Besides, it could be a lot of fun.
I have no real desire at all to gain weight myself, but I couldn't ask someone to gain weight for me if I wasn't equally willing to do the same for them. And as much as I don't desire to gain, that would be about the hottest thing ever in my book.
9 years