
Successfully from thin to fat?

I'm not sure if I am naturally thin. My weight fluctuated when I was young and I think I got up to a little over 200 lbs in high school. But in college, I was 170 lbs and extremely fit (ran long distances and lifted weights). Since then my weight has gone up and down, but lately I have embraced overeating and fatness and I'm up to my personal high of 240 lbs, which is officially obese (BMI of 31). There are some before (almost) and after pics in my album here. I'm 6'2" though so I still have some eating to do if I want to be truly fat. Speaking of... smiley
9 years

Successfully from thin to fat?

While not naturally thin having been 205 lbs. in high school, as an adult I went from 175 lbs. to 305 lbs., a gain of 130 lbs. I found a really enjoyed the journey of eating as much as I wanted whenever I wanted and not worrying about calories.
9 years

Successfully from thin to fat?

My low in high school was around 135 which was a little extreme. Through weight lifting I got to 170. Starting grad school, I went from 170 to 210, 215. Updates to follow.
9 years

Successfully from thin to fat?

I had to stay in pretty good shape for the military reserves. When I got done in 2013, I started to let go and eat more. I used to try to keep my weight under two hundred pounds, then two hundred ten pounds, now I'm at two hundred eighteen, with a BMI of 31, so clinically obese. I gained the freshman fifteen and then some in college, but I lost a lot of weight after I graduated and kept most of it off until I got older.
9 years

Successfully from thin to fat?

I was never 'naturally thin', but always worked out and watched what I ate to a limited extend. My lowest weight as an adult was probably 70kg. About 10 years later I'm around 105. 30 of those kg's were gained in the last 2 years though.
9 years

Successfully from thin to fat?

When I was 7 my nick name was flaco (Spanish for skinny). When I made it to high school I was a fit 150. I started gaining at that weight and now I'm pushing 307.
9 years

Successfully from thin to fat?

Pleasingly Plump your personal story is wonderful and what this place is all. about. Did you enjoy your fattening weekend so much that it might become a weekly thing? If so you'll probably gain the Next 30 lbs
in less than three months. Thank You for Being a nice New active member of Fantasy Feeder.
9 years

Successfully from thin to fat?

I was around 115lbs at age 26 or so, and I'm up around 170ish at age 33.

This while having a job that requires me to be moderately active much of the time.
9 years

Successfully from thin to fat?

I'd hazard a guess that I was a naturally thin person. In fact I was I think borderline anorexic when at 1.88 m (6'2"smiley I was no more than 55 kg (120 lb?).

After a lot of work and a hell of a lot of food...

Today I'm proud to say that I'm double that weight and still growing...
9 years