
Newbie with questions.

Sarahebeth wrote:
Is there a such a thing where a "skinny" person is fed to just to the point where they are full, like a food binge session and then thats it? Or is just you are fed to gain weight?

Check out stuffing and inflation forums. If you prefer keeping weight more than gaining - then it might be your thing.

But still - you could try and see how it feels to you. For example try getting up to 160lbs.. if you find yourself feeling worse about that - then its probably not your thing.
You just need to choose. )

Or maybe you like a process of gaining. I like growing out of clothes too and if it was easy for me - I would consider loosing weight, then refresh wardrobe and gain until I burst out of it. Then repeat...
IMO thats pretty much ok, but might not be healthy... that is yo-yo diets and has certain impact on health if you're concerned much about it.
9 years

Newbie with questions.

Let's look at it like this... Being a bit bigger is kinda a taboo in today's world. So of course it makes sense that you have reservations about this to begin with. But there's a deeper interest that was buried beneath that you've stumbled upon, and now you're conflicted upon it, as do many that do find themselves in their initial discovery.

You don't need to gain. Explore the idea's and interests mentally first. Maybe talk about it with some folks here expressing your ideals and concerns.

as for being here, you don't need to gain to be part of the fetish. There's plenty that enjoy stuffing/ bloating to feel bigger then they normally are without the permanent effects of weightgain.
9 years