
Is my wife a feeder?

roundandpearlover wrote:
Feeder? maybe.
FFA? definitely.

Does she seem more amorous after you've been for a meal? That points more to sexual feederism but feederism is not always sexual.

As with every relationship, if you're both happy and there aare things physically or emotionally that you do that make each other happy that are not to the detriment of each other stick with it. It seems like you have a good gig!

I would agree with Roundandpearlover and his explanation above. There is no doubt she is an FFA and she probably has feeder tendencies because she loves seeing you grow fatter and wants to help it along. You do have a good gig just as long as your health and mobility is not compromised. I would love to eat my way up to 400 lbs. as you have by gaining another 100 lbs. but I know my legs and knees could not handle any more weight so I will have to remain a contented 300 lb. fat guy.
9 years

Is my wife a feeder?

This story sounds very similar to mine. My gal and I have been together for about 10 years, when we met I was skinny, maybe 170 lbs and she was heavier at 230 lbs.

I thought she was so hot with her big bod, but over time she became more athletic and gradually shrunk down to her current weight of 160 lbs. I still love her, and think she's still hot. I, on the other hand, have become more sedentary and been putting on weight.

She liked my extra padding as much as I liked it on her. Her New Years Resolution was to fatten me up as much as she could (yes, she got my permission). Since then she's been stuffing me like crazy - I'm living my fantasy as an active feedee! I started the year at 210 and have already gained almost 40 lbs.

Looking forward to progress!
9 years

Is my wife a feeder?

Falstaff wrote:
When we married twelve years ago I was 210 lbs. Since then I've gotten enormously fat. I was 400 lbs this past Christmas.

I knew she liked fat men from the start. She would make comments that she preferred them heavy and I saw the size of some of her ex-boyfriends. She's a big girl herself. She's 5'10 and curvy and around 250 lbs. She was 300 when we married and got down to 250 over the years.

She's always told me that she likes how I look. As my girth increased over the years there were times I was self conscious about it. The last few years my stomach apron has increased quite a bit and gets in the way at times. She's never complained.Same thing when my boobs outpaced hers.

She is admittedly a very vanilla person sexually and if I even brought up something like this she'd a)be embarrassed and smiley not like that I'm fetishizing our relationship.

I started to wonder if she was deep down a feeder the last few years. Most wives, if their husbands had gotten as fat as I have, would cut down their portions at dinner. Not mine. My portions are mostly what I've been getting since we have been married and at times quite a bit more than what I've been getting.

For instance, for dinner last night we had chicken verde enchiladas. She had two with rice and beans and she put five on my plate.

Is she a feeder? or a pleaser? Or maybe just loves fat men and wants to keep me that way.

Interesting thread!

I would say she must get some fascination out of you being fatter....especially since you gained so much weight.

But with that said women can be kind of wife when we first met and were dating for a while mentioned, while I was pretty muscular with a bit of a muscle chub gut, that I was to big and that I should lean up. On one or more occasion I would see her early on in our relationship playfully tease a couple of my friends, that became her close friends as well, that happened to have really big fat bellies. We were always slightly intoxicated but she would would pat and jiggle their bellies with a really "devilish little girl" face.

Fast forward to the last several years....and I have gone through several intentional gaining periods on myself.....mostly because of a lack of bigger weight gain on my wife. I gained around 40 Lbs. and was slightly over 260 Lbs. which the good majority went to my belly making look pretty Fat. She never really mentioned anything other than a few comments and jiggles when she was slightly intoxicated. During this time she was feeding me huge portions at dinner and offering seconds. If I asked for a bowl of ice would be absolutely huge and over flowing close to 1/4 gallon or more.

So, I questioned whether she liked me Fat or was she just being nice with larger portions because she saw how much I began to eat back then. I still am not totally sure.

I think maybe she liked that I was gaining more weight than she had gained.
I also think that she has a little hidden desire for Fat or teasing that comes out when she is intoxicated.

So, I am not to sure how to answer your figure it seems like a simple answer but I think there a variations to everything. Your wife may like being a homemaker and is just feeding you so much more because you consume it and she doesn't want to deprive you. Also, you think there would be more tell her going crazy touching your belly all the time.
9 years