Fat experiences

Fine line

I know exactly what you're talking about - this is my first year of actively gaining after years of sort of acknowledging the fantasy, but never really acting on it. Some unintentional gaining on my part really triggered my wife's interest, and as of the start of this year we've agreed that she is my feeder/stuffer.

So far it's been a lot of fun. She's been dutifully keeping me completely stuffed, and int he last couple of months has really been testing & I think increasing my capacity, which is very exciting. I've been piling on the weight, which I've loved. Sometime I've become a little concerned (like you said, once it's out of the box, is there any turning back?), but she loves my extra fat and has been so encouraging.

Her goal for me the end of this year was to hit 300 lbs. Given that I've already put on something like 40 lbs, it looks like that should be an easy goal (much easier than we thought, which also is a little scary, lol). We'll see what happens from there.

My advice to anyone who really has this fantasy is to try it - even just for 20 or 30 lbs - to see if it's for you. My only regret so far is that I didn't try this years ago!

Cheers. Jay
9 years

Fine line

I definitely need this in my life whether it be my wife (Ideally) or me in short stints to get the weight gain fix.

I have always tried to implement weight gain into reality in my life. It is to much of a driving force and something inside of me to ever just leave to fantasy.

Every girlfriend I had ever had was slightly chubby to semi Fat and this went up in scale chronologically. My wife is the ultimate turn on for me especially when she gains weight.

There have been several times in the last few years that there was a void in weight gain on my wife and I unintentionally started to gain some weight myself and decided to intentionally gain and it was soooo damn arousing with myself getting a huge Gut and my wife fattening up at a slower pace but still gaining.

Weight gain is something that I can't just dream about but definitely need it in my life.
9 years

Fine line

I get that 100% but when you are completely alone with this its difficult. I occasionally become too sucked in, eat and drink deliberately to gain, gain loads and then feel empty as I cant share it the way I want to.

I sometimes feel im living 2 lives. My main one where im very very happy in my life with husband and kids etc..tthen my secret life where I crave my fat to be indulged and appreciated. .for real.

Sometimes it can be a little sad and lonely being into this!

Yep, right there with you.... And I'm sure a lot of others are too.
9 years

Fine line

I'm with you here too.
I love my wife dearly (she's over 310lsmiley and she liked her men big too. I was small and tring to gain for her. We were looking forward to her getting pregnant and me drinking her fattening milk and companion gaining.
Alas it wasn't to be, and a long story short, she has survived cancer, but she had to have a hysterectomy. She's lost her sex drive too, so I have to please myself when I get horny (all the time!)
She isn't as bothered with me getting big either, which I still want for myself, but don't want to offend her by talking about all of the time.
9 years