
Scared to gain?

Yes, of course, plenty of people fear this. They usually defer gaining until they find a feeder.
9 years

Scared to gain?

I doubt she'd joke about it if she didn't like the idea. Maybe it's you who hasn't realized the depths of her fetish.

You should ask.
9 years

Scared to gain?

I wouldn't say that I used to worry about this, but I was certainly aware of the repercussions my weight might have on my relationship options in the future. This was at a time when I was well aware of my fetish, but unwilling to consider actually gaining.

Now, several years and a lot of [intentional] pounds later, my biggest fear isn't finding a relationship in general; it's that I won't find the right relationship.

The funny thing is that what I want now is the same as what I wanted when I was a thinner, non-practicing feedist. I want someone who loves me fat and is aroused by the idea of me getting fatter (ish. I'm about as fat as I want to be now). The only difference is that now men can see my love of fat. I wear it every day!

Because of this I feel like I actually have a better chance of finding the FA of my dreams. And hopefully the confidence I've gained in regards to my fetish and my fat body will exude strongly enough to lure said dream FA right to me... smiley
9 years

Scared to gain?

On the other hand, if you want the experience of gaining with a feeder, you may want to wait until you meet that feeder!
9 years

Scared to gain?

On the other hand, if you want the experience of gaining with a feeder, you may want to wait until you meet that feeder!
9 years

Scared to gain?

LilRascl wrote:
Because of this I feel like I actually have a better chance of finding the FA of my dreams. And hopefully the confidence I've gained in regards to my fetish and my fat body will exude strongly enough to lure said dream FA right to me... smiley

This is a really excellent point. A lot of it is just being true to who you are and what makes you happy.

I've been with the same partner for ten years, and we've only just recently engaged in our feeding activities, and it's truly rejuvenated our relationship. It's fantastic, and it makes us ask each other, "why haven't we always been doing this?"

9 years