
Feedees, does this happen to you??

You could just stuff every other day!
9 years

Feedees, does this happen to you??

This happened to me a lot especially when I first started stuffing. As you expand and your body becomes accustomed to the amount of food your taking in you will start to feel hungry more often.
9 years

Feedees, does this happen to you??

Yes that totally happens to me too. You aren't alone out there, don't worry.
9 years

Feedees, does this happen to you??

There was a time a while ago when I was stuffing every day at every meal and in between meals with snacks intentionally.

My belly was always stuffed and full to capacity.

When it was time for another meal say Dinner.....I wasn't even hungry feeling but the minute I started eating I just kept going and didn't stop and I didn't feel much fuller when I stopped

After a while when I was eating it almost wasn't considered stuffing anymore for me because I was ravenous and so hungry.....and the next thing for me was I could never feel full anymore I could just keep eating and eating. This obviously was after several months of huge effort especially in the first 2-3 weeks of intentionally stuffing.
9 years

Feedees, does this happen to you??

My feeder has me on a pretty intense stuffing cycle at the moment, so similar to volutuouslover, I am basically constantly full... I am so full when I go to bed that, by the time I get up in the morning, I'm still not hungry. But I continue to eat and be stuffed at each meal. And I'm definitely getting fatter!

We had a day recently where she fed me almost nothing - and then the hunger came back, big time! Switching it up is pretty tough!

9 years

Feedees, does this happen to you??

Weed helps smiley
9 years

Feedees, does this happen to you??

I can't remember the last time I felt really hungry. Since I've conditioned myself to eat more out of habit (and dedication) than hunger, it's just varying degrees of fullness--or at least it feels that way..
9 years