
How important are the numbers in your gain?

I like numbers rising on the scale as I am sure anyone into weight gain does to a degree.
But with that said overall size and parts growing definitely trump numbers on the scale in my the conversation of asking my wives weight or weighing her myself doesn't happen.

Also, as someone previously mentioned a particular woman can weigh much more than another one of same height but the one who weighs less sometimes look's way fatter and heavier......just a weird thing I can never figure out. My wife always look's to me like she would weigh more than she does.
9 years

How important are the numbers in your gain?

As a gainer, numbers are a very important part of the process. If my goal is to gain weight and get fatter, I need some way(s) of measuring my progress--or lack thereof. However, that need depends on my level of commitment, which varies.

As an on-again/off-again gainer, I've come to realize it's important not to be too slavish to the scale. How I feel (and how I look) are ultimately more significant than what I weigh--and as much as I'd love to wake up tomorrow 40 pounds heavier, I'm generally satisfied with how fat I've become.
I have no current, set goal weight; more of a loose structure to keep getting fatter. smiley
9 years

How important are the numbers in your gain?

I think that may be the difference between a feedee and a foodee. A feedee cares about numbers, a foodee does not.
9 years

How important are the numbers in your gain?

Like some of the other posters, the girth is more important than the weight, although weight is a nice, convenient measurement.

My feeder is purposely avoiding regular weighings, to make the weigh in more of an event.

300 lbs is my initial goal, but really my ideal would be that I was so big I couldn't even reach around my whole belly. smiley
9 years

How important are the numbers in your gain?

For me the growth in the numbers on the scale and in my measurements always added a thrill to my gaining. It was direct evidence of my progress and the higher the numbers went up on the scale, the more turned on I became. Reaching 300 lbs. was a special thrill and seeing my weight exceed that number for the first time on the scale really excited me. I also like it when I weighed in at my doctor's office and my weight was at an all time high. I found I looked forward to being gently scolded by my female doctor for getting even fatter. It may sound a bit weird but it is true. And growing ever larger in my clothing sizes was a turn-on as well.
9 years

How important are the numbers in your gain?

I think the turn on for my is how much bigger I get. To see my belly bigger and softer is the real reward for gaining.
9 years

How important are the numbers in your gain?

I enjoy numbers but even more I just like feeling fat and outgrowing clothes.
9 years

How important are the numbers in your gain?

There is nothing more exciting than watching your belly outgrow a standard 60' measuring tape. I do value those numbers on the scale especially as they climb higher and higher. I really see it as a measuring tool of my success.
9 years

How important are the numbers in your gain?

For me, it's more about how I feel, rather than the numbers dictating how big I am.

I know there's a lot of people that can relate to having gained weight, and when they reach a number (usually 300), they don't really feel that big.

When I first started gaining, I thought that 300 lbs would be a huge size. And for some people, depending on their build or physical appearance, can look really big at 300. But I found myself still feeling kind of small, and increased my goal weight.

Now with the size I am, the numbers on a scale or a tape measure are more seen as a bonus than a rock solid goal or benchmark, as my health is coming more and more into play - my knees can get sore if I'm on my feet for a long time and I still have to ensure that I keep healthy enough to not put a strain on my heart. I have to put health related concerns and make sure that I'm feeling happy and good about myself before I make a number the be all and end all in my life.
9 years