
Nyc meetup

I have to play a show that night, so I have to leave on the train from Grand Central at 8pm. Should I come for the first hour and a half or so, or are people not really going to be showing up until later?
9 years

Nyc meetup

Still interested in attending, but what time is everyone meeting up? When it was still a downtown bar thing I had planned on showing up slightly later into the evening, like post-whatever-I-imagine-dinner-time-is.
9 years

Nyc meetup

I am disappointed that I won't be able to make it I am stuck working far away. Hope you all have a great time
9 years

Nyc meetup

Didn't know there was a meet up but when I get back into city I hope to have a picnic at some point!! smiley
9 years

Nyc meetup

I would love to get another meetup going, I didn't get to go to the first one!

Me too I'm hardly on here anymore I'm on feabie now But I start a new Job on monday and would love to meet new people to hangout with and explore the city with
9 years
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