
Who likes what?

To me a sexy woman (being a heterosexual male) is hard to define, it's more about confidence and personality than anything physical.

That said, I love fat women, it's deeply ingrained for me, but it's not essential for attraction.

That said (again), every women I've had a relationship with has put on weight, quite a lot of weight.

Says it all :-)
9 years

Who likes what?

Thanks for the suggestion. NO, I don't meet someone and right away say "hi, whats your name, i noticed your belly jiggling and it got me hard". LOL Its an attraction I have, not a name calling thing, or stuffing thing.

But still run into women having a hard time that men truely find that size attractive. There's this need they have to prove they are trying to get smaller no matter how much i assure them i like how they are

I know what you are saying!

I have always loved heavier women and on many occasions I have struck up a conversation with a woman and got to know with many meetings from mutual friends the past. And yes I have heard various things said like what you are talking about.........

i.e. I am on a diet now because I just gained a lot of weight.

Or how often the tell me they go to the gym.

and many other things along those lines.

I usually would soften things from going in that direction by showing my interest because of there personality and overall beauty including their saying something like I think you look great and I wouldn't bother trying to loose any weight.

But I hear ya......I think they are slightly insecure from probably societal pressures and past relationships of being told they are to heavy and they need to lose weight etc.
9 years

Who likes what?

But truthfully.....all of us guy's on here who view heavier/ way overweight women as the ideal Beauty are not even close to the norm.

So most times these women ....even women who are slightly chunky have heard from men in the past or even past boy friends that they are to big and they need to lose weight.

My wife before we were dating went out with a guy who asked her either on a third or fourth date if she planned on dieting to lose a little weight. At that time she was a workout machine at 5' 3" and 120 Lbs. Slightly thicker muscular thighs with a very slight lower belly bulge and larger breasts. So you can see how forward some guy's are......all I could think of when I met her is how she would keep looking better with the more weight she gained.

So it's to be expected why women do act this way.
9 years

Who likes what?

I'm 170 pounds and find women most attractive in the range of 200-400 pounds.
9 years

Who likes what?

I am a big women who finds skinny to muscular guys extremely attractive, the opposite of my body type. I haven't met a man who found my body attractive, the two dates I have been out on they both asked if I planned on loosing weight.

That's terrible. Why someone would date another only to attempt to change that person is beyond me.
9 years
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