Submission and domination

Your kinkiest fantasy

Unknown Error wrote:
Mine is being force feeding while my feeder continuously tells me how fat I've gotten and teasing me as they make me even bigger then a nice long belly rub while they whisper sweet things in my ear to ease my pain. Then you all can probably guess what happens next smiley

hmm that sounds nice and lovely
10 years

Your kinkiest fantasy

I love this notion very much! What a delightful fantasy....

ScrumptuousSarah wrote:
My kinkiest fantasy is a feeding one combined with a psychological one.

I think that I'd be into a situation of not just simple sub, but total control. Like if I met someone who slowly fattened me up and fed me, making me huger and huger, but at the same time started doing more and more things for me and keeping me on a bed more and more until I'm just so dependent on them... A point where I literally couldn't survive without them, and they have total control over me like I'm just a toy to them. I want to be trained to react to food, and have my will and choice taken from me... I would be force fed until I couldn't even get up or flip myself over, and my internet and phone would be taken away so I couldn't call for help if I wanted to stop. I want to be totally enslaved to someone, and as I eat and eat they would slowly break my spirit and drain me of my personality and free thought... To become just a mindless blob, an eager-to-please pet. Fed and dominated to the point where I'm no longer a person, just a drooling, stuffed lump of rippling blubber...

So yeah... I'm into REALLY extreme submission.
9 years

Your kinkiest fantasy

ScrumptuousSarah wrote:
My kinkiest fantasy is a feeding one combined with a psychological one.

I think that I'd be into a situation of not just simple sub, but total control. Like if I met someone who slowly fattened me up and fed me, making me huger and huger, but at the same time started doing more and more things for me and keeping me on a bed more and more until I'm just so dependent on them... A point where I literally couldn't survive without them, and they have total control over me like I'm just a toy to them. I want to be trained to react to food, and have my will and choice taken from me... I would be force fed until I couldn't even get up or flip myself over, and my internet and phone would be taken away so I couldn't call for help if I wanted to stop. I want to be totally enslaved to someone, and as I eat and eat they would slowly break my spirit and drain me of my personality and free thought... To become just a mindless blob, an eager-to-please pet. Fed and dominated to the point where I'm no longer a person, just a drooling, stuffed lump of rippling blubber...

So yeah... I'm into REALLY extreme submission.

Darlin' you're going for straight up enslavement fantasies there, which isn't a bad thing.smiley Could even get documentation for it as well. smiley
9 years

Your kinkiest fantasy

What an amazingly well-described fantasy! I hope you find the perfect guy!

Miranda00 wrote:
My fantasy... I am a very good looking woman. Fit, trained, Well educated. Still, my dream is a hole other story. The thougt of giving myself to a man who would like me to transform. To make me to the girl of his dream. To control. To tell me right from wrong. Just the thougt of letting go is making me crazy. Probably it will stay in my Dreams. ..But it's ok. Just let me have my fantasies. I dream and enjoy every single moment of them. Some Day.. maybe..I will meet The man of my dreams. A man who enjoy a submissiv woman who would do everything to please her man..... I will continue dreaming.. Maybe someday U will be there
9 years

Your kinkiest fantasy

My fantasy is my girlfriend who is 300+ lbs telling me that I was to skinny for her and if I wanted to remain her boyfriend, I needed to get fatter.

I sure didn't want to let her go so she fed me like I was a pig every three hours til I could burst.
9 years

Your kinkiest fantasy

I would love to be dominated, forcibly fattened, feminized, and ab/used as a sex toy by two female bodybuilders.

At first I would be restrained so I couldn't escape being force-fed. I'd struggle and try to resist, but eventually would submit myself completely to their will. Of course at that point it wouldn't matter since these women are so muscular and huge that one of them could easily hold me down while the other poured ice cream down my mouth and into my soft, expanding belly.
Unbeknownst to me, they're steadily dosing my food with female hormones. As the weeks turn into months, I start to notice my body changing. I'm not only getting fatter and fatter, but I'm becoming feminized. My skin gets softer, my body hair thins, and the new fat is going straight to my hips, thighs, ass, and 'breasts'.

In the end, I'd be transformed into an enormous, helpless, quivering blob -- totally unable to resist my bodybuilding dominatrixes, and utterly eager to please and pleasure them in any way they wanted.
9 years

Your kinkiest fantasy

I fantasize about being the dominant half of a "feeder duo" comprised of myself and a bisexual FFA who may or may not have feedee tendencies herself-- still working that part out.

Anyway, the two of us would take in a submissive female feedee. The process would start out fairly-straightforward, where said feedee would spend her days sitting in front of the TV or computer, eating nonchalantly, as my FFA "partner in crime" would ensure that the feedee would always have something to help pack on the pounds. Sexual activity would involve all 3 of us, and would focus on ensuring the feedee's sense of satiety would be inextricably-linked to sexual release.

Over a period of months, said feedee would grow excessively-lazy, wanting to do little more than eat and be pleasured. She wouldn't want to venture outside the house anymore, and would possibly discontinue wearing clothing. While the feedee would have likely gained quite a few pounds up to this point, this is the point where everything gets "stepped-up."

The feedee's routine would transition from watching normal entertainment media to custom-made video footage showing excessively-obese, nude women eating, being stimulated sexually, or both simultaneously, smiling as they jiggle their own ample folds of flesh. Others would be self-pleasuring as they sucked greedily at the end of a feeding tube.

The feedee's psyche would be gradually broken-down in this process, until they want nothing more than to eat, be pleasured, and grow. At this point, the FFA and I would begin inducing lactation in the feedee's breasts, and utilize her own breast milk, along with heavy cream, unsalted sweet cream butter, and a host of other calorie-packed ingredients, to force-feed her relentlessly.

We would, of course, be filming this process, so that we can add more footage to the brain-washing video-- as we have with the multitude of feedees who had come before....

oh that was hot i only would imagine me and two girls and only one getting slightly chubby and me over time ;-) cause your FF is just so good in introducing this sex and food addiction in us both only the other girl has just some more willpower an strenght to withstand her seduction that i end up getting chubbier than her until both girls team up cause they are now strong enough to even wrestle me down and porce me to eat more even if i wanted to stop they overpowering me now ^^

wow but your fantasy was so much more exquisitely written ^^
9 years

Your kinkiest fantasy

(...)The feedee's psyche would be gradually broken-down in this process, until they want nothing more than to eat, be pleasured, and grow.(...)

TorRed69's whole fantasy is *very* well realized, but it's this part I really love. The idea of being hypnotized or brainwashed into an endless cycle of eating, sexual gratification, and gaining -- completely obliterating any self-control and literally transforming into another person -- is an ultimate fantasy.
9 years

Your kinkiest fantasy

I fantasize about being the dominant half of a "feeder duo" comprised of myself and a bisexual FFA who may or may not have feedee tendencies herself-- still working that part out.

Anyway, the two of us would take in a submissive female feedee. The process would start out fairly-straightforward, where said feedee would spend her days sitting in front of the TV or computer, eating nonchalantly, as my FFA "partner in crime" would ensure that the feedee would always have something to help pack on the pounds. Sexual activity would involve all 3 of us, and would focus on ensuring the feedee's sense of satiety would be inextricably-linked to sexual release.

Over a period of months, said feedee would grow excessively-lazy, wanting to do little more than eat and be pleasured. She wouldn't want to venture outside the house anymore, and would possibly discontinue wearing clothing. While the feedee would have likely gained quite a few pounds up to this point, this is the point where everything gets "stepped-up."

The feedee's routine would transition from watching normal entertainment media to custom-made video footage showing excessively-obese, nude women eating, being stimulated sexually, or both simultaneously, smiling as they jiggle their own ample folds of flesh. Others would be self-pleasuring as they sucked greedily at the end of a feeding tube.

The feedee's psyche would be gradually broken-down in this process, until they want nothing more than to eat, be pleasured, and grow. At this point, the FFA and I would begin inducing lactation in the feedee's breasts, and utilize her own breast milk, along with heavy cream, unsalted sweet cream butter, and a host of other calorie-packed ingredients, to force-feed her relentlessly.

We would, of course, be filming this process, so that we can add more footage to the brain-washing video-- as we have with the multitude of feedees who had come before....

That's hot. I volunteer to be the submissive feedee~
9 years

Your kinkiest fantasy

That would make an epic movie smiley
9 years
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