
Game of thrones


I was hooked from Ep. 1 on. Its fantastic. All the characters, storylines, its all great. My favorite character is Tyrion Lannister.

Anyone else watch the show/read the books?
13 years

Game of thrones


In all seriousness, please don't reveal anything. I've only seen the first 4 episodes, and so I'll have to catch up during my break between Summer session 2 and Summer session 5.
13 years

Game of thrones

After watching the first season on HBO I bought the first four books and I'm currently reading the second one.

If you thought the first book was intense, just wait. smiley

Its a shame we have to wait until next April for A Clash of Kings smiley
13 years

Game of thrones

aberrancy wrote:
That's the thing that I'm wondering, should I buy the books? Because the TV show was amazing, I'm wondering if I'm actually missing out on anything by opting for the cinematic version.

I'd say the only thing you'd be missing out on is an even greater appreciation of characters. In the books, the characters often think to themselves and it gives you a greater understanding of their personality and their motives. Plus, reading the books gives you better insight on what could come next, if you're one of those readers that likes to propose theories.
13 years

Game of thrones

To each is own. :-P

I actually think the HBO series did a damn good job transferring it to TV. Better than Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings ever did.
13 years

Game of thrones

Super-happy-spoiler-fun-times. Though, I've read all the books that are out by now.

I gotta say it was fun watching all the shocked and outraged fans posting all over Facebook after it happened though.

It was even more fun getting them all keyed up by acting somber and foreboding in reference to that episode. smiley
11 years

Game of thrones

Bumping this in anticipation of the next season coming out this month.
9 years

Game of thrones

Thrones yeah!!!!

Watch the video to get pumped for GoT! =P
9 years

Game of thrones

Some shots from the finale have leaked apparently.
9 years

Game of thrones

We're a couple of episodes into the final season of the show now. It'll be interesting to see how it all ends.
5 years
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