
Has your partner come out as a feedist to you?

SO many people have asked me or asked in various forums how to explain their feedist desires to their partner.

How many have been on the other side of that fence? Has your partner told you they want you to gain weight or want you to feed them? What was your reaction? Could they have phrased things better?
9 years

Has your partner come out as a feedist to you?

I was looking for a thread like this! Alas no one has answered. I have lately been obsessed with my husband gaining weight. He has put on some weight lately (of his own doing, not mine) and I really like it. I'm not sure how to tell him his belly is super sexy to me. I don't want him to gain more if he doesn't want to but I don't want him to lose that belly either. What would you say?
8 years

Has your partner come out as a feedist to you?

How about "your belly is super sexy to me"?
8 years

Has your partner come out as a feedist to you?

This isn't quite the same as a partner, but I confessed to my brother about my sexual feelings regarding gaining weight. He told me he thinks I should at least stay the size i am and even get fatter if it'll make me happy.

I almost came out to a co-worker a few days ago.
8 years

Has your partner come out as a feedist to you?

My experience was me saying: "I can't believe how much weight I've put on over the holidays. I'm going to have to start going to the gym and lose some of this fat."

My partner (now feeder) replied: "Why? I like it, don't you?"

...and a hundred pounds later, the adventure continues!
8 years