
Weight gain

I have to say, fat and turned on. I really enjoy getting ready for work in the morning, sticking out my growing belly (45"smiley and pulling on tight briefs. I have gained fifteen pounds in the last couple of years after serving in the military reserves for over twenty five years. My weight was checked twice a year. I had to stay at or below 21% body fat. So when I retired and started to eat more, though still getting regular exercise and I continue to enjoy gaining and maintaining.
8 years

Weight gain

Has your gain made you fat and proud, fat and ashamed or fat and very turned on?

Privately, and on here, my gain has made be proud. I worked hard for my obesity!
Publicly, I feel inner pride but some outer shame, since massive weight gain is not exactly celebrated by others.
Most of all, though, the gain(ing) is an incredible turn-on. Just thinking about it is sexually exciting.
8 years