
My gf started chatting on kik with several people. they would send pictures back and forth and i

There's a lot of missing info from your story that makes it hard to offer suggestions. For example, how did you find out about this, what sort of pictures is she sending, who is she chatting with, etc.

You should trust her, talk to her about it, and tell her how you feel about it.
9 years

My gf started chatting on kik with several people. they would send pictures back and forth and i

Well, if she isn't going to give it up, you have 2 choices. 1)accept it. 2)dump her.
9 years

My gf started chatting on kik with several people. they would send pictures back and forth and i

Mam, it sounds like she isn't respecting your request (implication?) to stop. If you want to keep this going, then you have to reach a solution you're both satisfied with. No other option there.
9 years