
How to spot ffa in 3 minutes?

After vacation I once again want to meet someone. Thinking again about speed dating thing.

Question: what can I ask a woman (not straightforward) to get a clue that she is into big guys, might be a potential ffa and would like or at least tolerate that feederism thing even if she's not aware. All that in 3-5 minutes smiley
9 years

How to spot ffa in 3 minutes?

You weren't just in Vegas were you?

No, just in Japan. Why do you ask? smiley
9 years

How to spot ffa in 3 minutes?

I think she means.....because Vegas is the quick fix!

* Get rich quick etc. etc.
9 years

How to spot ffa in 3 minutes?

After vacation I once again want to meet someone. Thinking again about speed dating thing.

Question: what can I ask a woman (not straightforward) to get a clue that she is into big guys, might be a potential ffa and would like or at least tolerate that feederism thing even if she's not aware. All that in 3-5 minutes smiley

Perhaps something like "...I guess maybe you're looking for someone a little slimmer or more athletic?" and "...guess I do like to eat, probably why I've put on a few pounds". Listen carefully to her response, you'll probably be able to tell whether she's just being polite or whether she's genuinely ok with it.

Just remember, you've only got 3 minutes and you'll probably never meet them again so don't worry about being too shy about it all.
9 years

How to spot ffa in 3 minutes?

this site used to have dating ads, not sure if it still does.

I think that one can put "dating" information in one's profile, but the search function is quite limited.
9 years

How to spot ffa in 3 minutes?

Perhaps something like "...I guess maybe you're looking for someone a little slimmer or more athletic?" and "...guess I do like to eat, probably why I've put on a few pounds".

Good two smiley Thank you!

hot as hell:
I think speed dating is probably the wrong place to meet a potential FFA. this site used to have dating ads, not sure if it still does.

I have a dating ad, but it and sites I am around yield almost nothing. And I haven't heard about BHM and FFA form a couple here or on other sites.
But I've read about situations where a feedee guy meets a girl and after some time he tells about his fantasies and suddenly girl likes it too... sometimes alot smiley
So I guess I'll have more chances that way.

hot as hell:
also I think if you try to find other sites that cater for BHM then you would be in a better starting position to meet / talk to interested girls

I spotted one. But they are kind of preventing registration from my country... (they even have a ToS term about that smiley) so I was never able to register.
9 years

How to spot ffa in 3 minutes?

Okay, I've been there. Had 5 minutes each turn. But its still very constricting, so I barely could undrestand if I really like a person or just like how nice everything is. smiley

So some change of plans... now I'm thinking about ruining first dates this way:
1. Have some generic talk
2. Gently check about aforementioned signs of feederism tolerance/attraction, maybe using some advices above (thanks again for them) to know how to put on everything in step 3.
3. Spit out the truth. That I am a perv and without feedism thing I am asexual thus will be much less attracted in the first place and relationship is very likely to quickly "fade out". And then tell that I'm saying this to be honest in the very beginning and to minimize hurt feelings later.
4. Then we are most likely just end this, move on to the next dates and never bother each other again.

What do you think? Is this fair enough? Maybe some suggestions on how to put my interest in feederism soft enough not to shock or disgust a person very much?
9 years

How to spot ffa in 3 minutes?

Sounds like a recepie for disaster. Maybe stick to sites like this where you know there are girls into the same thing as you. We're only a small percentage of the population so chances of just bumping into one must be pretty rare.

There is a gray label under my avatar that says that I'm here for 4 years, and about 6 or 7 years on other (local) feedism sites. Still doesn't help much. You, fatty appreciating girls, really are rare, but I'm convinced that only few of them aware of what it is (fetish) and how is that called. I see that people around here more likely to discover that their regular GF likes em bigger than actually meet someone. And only then they might visit this place smiley
So I think this is hard way but still a best bet...
9 years

How to spot ffa in 3 minutes?

she agrees to see you again - she probably won't have a problem with your weight.

You have a point there smiley Though I was told a couple of times that I'm not that fat, so there might be thoughts like "he has a good personality and some gym will fix the rest". But thats still okay, I think when I say otherwise - she'll reconsider things smiley

when it comes to love,there is no way of steering it in the direction you want. You'll just meet her one day.

Well, I'm pretty sure that love yet cannot suddenly teleport in my home. This whole thing is about to break that routine in which I don't go out much except in office and then back home and don't contact people much smiley

As for me: I always dreamed of a fat man who likes being fat. That never happened, but my husband is fat and he doesn't mind me worshiping his belly or me being on FF. And I'm sure as hell happy with him.

Ohh, I see this now very often (at my range of age). That feeder/feedee is married on someone who is not into it. That is sad of course, but still does the trick sometimes. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Best wishes to you and stay happy all the time smiley
9 years

How to spot ffa in 3 minutes?

Well, I'm an FFA, but even so I don't instantly like every BHM I see. In every case where I've fallen head-over-heels for some sexy (fat) guy, I fell in love with his personality first -- and after that point I found his body IRRESISTIBLE. (God, why are they always taken?!) So, my first piece of advice is to not solely focus on the feederism part of it, but to also talk about your other hobbies, interests, and just generally be a gentleman. Ideally, you should know it if you "click."

That being said, being an FFA is like being really bad at poker. I try to keep my sexual preference to myself (I'm just a private person), but I can't help but get weird, lusty looks on my face when big guys talk candidly about stuffing their faces, getting fatter, outgrowing clothing, or when they rub their bellies, eat with gusto, or just generally flaunt their gluttony about. Usually I start breathing faster, I might get flush, I'll look off to the side, try to avoid looking at their sexy bodies, and get a "far-off" look in my eyes as I try not to give away how turned on I am. So, if you do any of the above and see a woman acting like that, I think you've found a pretty good candidate for a (very shy) FFA.

If the FFA isn't shy, though, I think you'll know pretty much right away, and won't need any advice to recognize that she's into you. ;D

Good luck with your search! smiley
9 years