Lifestyle tips

Fat sex

Well just have fun when you having sex and be happy.
9 years

Fat sex

Have more Fat admiration, touching and Foreplay!

What about weight gain talk and roleplaying how fat you will become...if your partner is into it......if not you tease him with your body which should be hot for you both.....then positioning won't be as big of a concern.
9 years

Fat sex

Have more Fat admiration, touching and Foreplay!

What about weight gain talk and roleplaying how fat you will become...if your partner is into it......if not you tease him with your body which should be hot for you both.....then positioning won't be as big of a concern.

This ^

One of the things I discovered about myself as I embraced my adoration for big beautiful women was the time I spent exploring and appreciating their voluptuous, delicious, amazing, and breathtaking figures. I never had to be prodded to reminded to engage in foreplay, it was something I looked forward too. I never felt that way or was inspired nor thought about it that much with skinny gals. It was more about the act itself. To me, sex with a big sexy babydoll is reading a novel where the characters have a chance to develop and grow. Skinny girl sex is 4 pages of readers digest.......

If you're interested in a guys perspective, there it is lol.

Wow....very well said!
9 years

Fat sex

Do keep in mind that flexibility, strength, endurance, and general health can all play a role in what is possible and enjoyable when it comes to sex. Depending on how you eat and what you do, a few pictures festyle changes could open up possibilities.

On the mental level, depression can hit both libodo and how much one enjoys anything, even sex. (Your profiledoes mention depression, don't know if it is hitting you currently) The general health stuff can help some people with how hard their depression is, so can have a double whammy.

On the other hand, what do you want that you aren't getting? Or don't you know, it just isn't doing it for you?
9 years

Fat sex

Watch the movie 9 1/2 weeks for some kitchen sex insperation.
9 years

Fat sex

Sorry if this sounds shallow or small minded, but you're not even that fat, so sex really shouldn't be a problem... I hope you both find something that you enjoy, there is bound to be some way for you to both have sex and enjoy it smiley
8 years

Fat sex

I've become adept at fat sex, as nearly all my love interests through the years have been at least chubby, if not just flat-out fat smiley My girl is about 280 with a huge belly, which is excellent for rubbing slowly or kneading gently smiley Her thighs are pretty full, too, but overall I really haven't had a problem with regular-position sex.
8 years