Feedback and suggestions

Not a fan of this ff layout [discussion]

As politely as I would like to say it, I am not a fan of this layout of fantasy feeder.

I cant help but feel as if it was almost just magnified to a obnoxious proportion.

Is there a way to change it back or petition for a style like the older one?

I am not going to lie, I do not come around here as often because the layout is kind of large, frustrating, and not so much user friendly. It kinda saddens me because this was my go-to place to meet people, chat and hangout with people with similar interests.

I do love FF to death, I've been here for an obnoxious amount of time, but I feel that maybe I am not alone in the way I am thinking about this new layout, or maybe I am... What do you guys think?
8 years

Not a fan of this ff layout [discussion]

Moved from General forum
8 years

Not a fan of this ff layout [discussion]

I'm aiming to make this website as great as it can be so please be more specific as to exactly why you don't like it and how it could be improved.

For instance, what is it that you find too large (ie the text? The buttons? The images? Or something else?). In the same way, what in particular do you find frustrating and un-user friendly about the site?

One final thing, which type of device, operating system and browser are you using?
8 years

Not a fan of this ff layout [discussion]

Thanks lc2 that does help cos I've not been able to test ion Windows 8 or 10. What type of device are you using?
8 years

Not a fan of this ff layout [discussion]

I'm really just trying to give input to the site and help improve on what I see as a bit frustrating, please dont take offense to this, as I am trying to help.

One thing is, whenever I use my Android device to connect to the site, the "My Home" drop down button likes to disappear as soon as you click it, this could be rectified by having the "My Home" as Stationary on the right side of the screen.

I am using Windows 7 with Google Chrome on my PC now.

The things I believe that could be improved is having a navigation bar on the left or right side of the page when you are in a certain sub directory, such as my home, gah here I'll make a image to clarify things a bit more...

"My Home" -- Accessed via clicking "More" and clicking "My home" or by clicking the cupcake symbol in the top right (currently shows 26 notifications)

*Note this was done in MS paint, sorry for the crap quality

Link to it: would have its own drop down menu when you click on your own user name / click on the "26" notifications cupcake icon.... the forums could have their own drop down menu when you are in them, so you can jump from general to say weight gain using the navigation pane on the right side

For example if I am in the forum perhaps have a navigator of the forum of the different subs on the right side when I click it instead, of having to click Forum > All.

* Make it like how when you click "Chat" you can choose between kinky and general... except for everything on the hot bar on the top of the page, like Forum, you click that once, it should bring you to the same place the "All" button would now, except have a search function above or below those listings.

And I like the shout functionality, but is there a way to make it so that it also shows up on the side of the screen as before?

The new shout menu is nice... I thought it was gone for the longest time until I pressed the button, as it wasn't on the side bar.. I REALLY think this should be a bigger part of this site it could be a very valuable and good way for people to communicate and talk to eachother. Heck even call it a "Feed" I mean, this is fantasy feeder.. lol

I think it should also be incorporated into your profile somehow, the my home / profile does not feel relevant and I feel I dont have a connection to that page at all, even though it should be the most important part of the site for me, the user.

Also in that picture I just gave some general ideas of what to change around hot-bar wise - I feel as if the "FEED" / Live chat should be first, along with the other social features, then later down the line have Pics / vids.

Also add a cupcake to show a accumulation of all notifications at the top right, users can click that to go back to "My home" where as they can address their notifications on the right hot bar. Also .. add a quick logout button on the top right. and perhaps add more to the standard user's private message.
8 years

Not a fan of this ff layout [discussion]

Thanks for taking the trouble to go into so much detail. This is greatly appreciated.

I agree there are still some problems with the main navigation and I will be taking steps to improve this. The main difficulty has been trying to find a solution that works equally well on mobile devices as it does on PCs, however I have plans to greatly simplify the navigation which should help.

I removed the right hand column for the same reason. If you decrease the width of your browser, you'll notice the page is responsive making it easy to view on mobile. Having a right hand column doesn't work well on small devices.

I've taken on board your ideas about the shouts and feeds and have already done some work on this. If you go to someone's profile and click on their 'activity' tab you'll see a feed of all their website activity. I intend to bring this onto the profiles page as you suggest in the near future.

Thanks again for your ideas. One more thing, if you could upload a screen shot showing the problem of the oversized pics on Windows 8 or 10 this would be great smiley
8 years