
Kind of a losing-gaining dilemma... help!

Hi shelley,

First of all this site has a lot of different people with lots of different fetishes. Some people don't even have a fetish but are here anyway, others for size acceptance, others out of curiosity. "BUT" don't be weirded out by it all because most of all this is a friendly community who are here to be friends and help with any subject matter.

After reading your post first of all i have to congratulate you on the 7 stone (84lbs) Loss. That must of been a big ordeal going without the things you loved for so long. It shows you have determination and true grit.

However nobody should ever tell you to be fat or thin as it is something you must decide for yourself. You must listen to your heart and decide whats best for you and what makes you happiest.

As for not having a boyfriend i dont think the wieght is the issue here but your own self esteem. If you believe in yourself and dont actively search for it, it will happen. Just go out and enjoy yourself, let your hair down and flirt, wether it be giving someone the eye or dancing like a diva on the dance floor. You will attract someone, and when you are talking, if they dont ask you then you ask them for thier number or out on a date.

Also you can chat on line here at FF in the chat room with like minded people, and , maybe something will happen ou of that.

Hope this has been of some help to you and best wishes whatever you decide.

Regards fast.

16 years

Kind of a losing-gaining dilemma... help!

It would seem that the weight loss is to blame for any self esteem loss, But that is probably as you are stiil getting used to a new you.

I would take sometime getting to know the new you before you take any drastic decisions.
16 years

Kind of a losing-gaining dilemma... help!


I have met a fair number of people who have purposely regained weight after dieting because they did not like being thin. So you are not alone.

I can understand enjoying the compliments, but to me, these compliments are empty. Why are people judged the numbers on the scale? Why is it that Oprah went from the inner city of Baltimore to the richest woman in the US, only to be judged about how much weight she's lost or gained?

It isn't always easy being fat. But I think someone who can succeed despite being fat is the one who desrves praise. Someone who come across as being pretty, smart, and in control.

But the main thing is that you have to do what feels good to you, not what others think. If you find someone now who likes you mainly because you are thin, you will never be able to regain the weight without risking the relationship. So, if you enjoy being fat, go for it.
16 years