Submission and domination

Vore kink

well i don´t know if this is vore but i get very turned on by the thought of a slim fit girl using my overconfidence as a man to be always fitter and stronger than a girl to lure me into eating to much and seduce me to let go until she is faster stronger and sometimes forcefeeds me so i always try to run away but am to slow and unfit now so she always catches me or overpowers me to feed me again and have some evil plans with me although i don´t know if i ever would really fear her eating me ;-) although some biting and testing if i am ripe would be hot ^^
9 years

Vore kink

I love the idea of being swallowed whole by a bbw and held prisoner in her belly
8 years

Vore kink

Ah, I don't like porn, it's not my cup of tea unless I make it myself. I've always had an affinity for non-sexual vore in movies and whatnot me, I like it even more because it feels realistic. smiley

I'm not real familiar with vore but I remember liking a scene in Anaconda where it swallows a young woman whole. I don't think it shows her being eaten (sadly) but shows her body shape in the snake. I played that scene over and over in my head and wished it showed her being eaten. Always thought it must mean something awful about me to enjoy the idea and sight of a young woman being eaten alive by a giant snake. I really don't understand it.
8 years

Vore kink

I love roleplaying a hungry starving chef who fattened up a juicy succulent fat girl as his next meal !
8 years

Vore kink

I have the same fantasy but to be the girl getting fattened up to be devoured. Hope it's not too odd

Vore is a total fantasy fetish, so there can't really be anything too odd about it. It is only limited by your imagination! I like vore (soft vore, where the prey is swallowed whole and alive) primarily because of the massive bellies it produces. I don't like to think about a real person dying as a result, or hard vore where the person is actually eaten bite by bite, but digestion and the consequential weight gain of the pred is very exciting to me! If it were physically possible to do, I would have moral qualms about doing it myself. Would I swallow a suitable fattened woman whole and digest her body? Even with a willing prey, I don't think I could do it. It's interesting to think about, but in the same way a slasher flick is interesting to watch - not something I would want to do or experience! I definitely don't want to be the prey!
8 years

Vore kink

Fantasy vs reality. I find this part of the human psyche fascinating. We can enjoy the idea and the illusion but not the real thing. Stories, movies, conversations, role plays, pictures and even some activities (roller coasters), all allow us to experience or at least approximate an experience we'd never actually want to experience in real life.
8 years

Vore kink

I love fantasising about being fattened up and being prepared to be eaten - but my captor always changes his / her mind last minute and decides to just keep fattening me to see how fat they can make me... I love the lead up in vore but the actual end game doesn't really do much for me.
8 years

Vore kink

I'm not into vore personally but there was a very interesting episode of Hannibal where a certain psychiatrist, under the guise of a dark dinner party joke, openly reveals to a guest that he is feeding an acquaintance figs and nuts to improve the flavour of her meat.

That definitely caught my attention and of course my feedist mind changed it into her being slowly fattened up with class and just realising his intentions then.

The eating her part doesn't do anything for me though haha.
8 years

Vore kink

Any beauties who want to roleplay being fattened up as a main course (LOL) don't be shy to ping me on

8 years

Vore kink

Someone referenced this thread and I'm just now seeing the last post. Any girl (but especially a fat one!) being swallowed by any thing is something I want to see! Thank you for mentioning it! It's not a movie I would normally watch.
8 years
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