
Male advice regarding pregnancy

What a horrible situation. Hope you have someway of getting away.
9 years

Male advice regarding pregnancy

Getting away from him is for the best - he sounds like a control freak and him threatening suicide over it is more emotional blackmail. Him locking you out of the house when he didn't get his way is also bloody disgraceful.

As the others have said, it's best to take care of yourself and get away from him as much as possible.
9 years

Male advice regarding pregnancy

Move out as quickly as possible. Move in with your parents if you cannot afford your own place, or seek help from social services. Ensuring you and your baby are safe is your top priority now. You need a place where you can enjoy your pregnancy. Stress is not good for you nor the baby. Don't let him emotionally blackmail you.
9 years

Male advice regarding pregnancy

Sound advice SugarBaby. You have the voice of reason and experience.

I personally know two girls that each gave up a baby in their teenage years, to a family that could provide a better life then they could at that time. They are both +/- 30 yrs of age now, and still in loose contact with the parents and can look back with full confidence they did the right thing for the child at the time. It's difficult to do though.

HippoFeeder: Obvoiusly you didn't expect to be in this situation. This is a life altering event for you. Hopefully by now your Safty and security situation is resolved and you can focus on your future. You have a bit of time. Consider your options from both emotional and logical view point. Think long term as well. Lots of single moms out there. It's a difficult and challenging life. That doesn't mean you should avoid it, if you feel good about keeping it.

Be careful if Mr Knucklehead wants to reconcile too. Good luck to you in this situation. Please update us when you can. :-)
9 years