I have eaten my way out of size 36, buying size 38 now. My waist is 46, so I looking at size 40 soon. XL shirts still fit okay, but L, are getting tight. Medium briefs barely fit, large still do but getting tighter. Nice thread!
I loved outgrowing clothes early on, but its a bit frustrating now that new dress pants or jeans are like $50 each. It was more enjoyable when Walmart had my sizes. Its still nice just more expensive than I'd like to spend on clothes.
I found some old clothes today that i used to wear when I was in school, most of them were woefully too small to even get over my thighs, then I found a few pairs of jeans from College. Mostly size 48-50 waist jeans so I decided to try them on. I added pics or the tightest and loosest to my profile if you want to see. I'm still impressed that size 50 just barely fit under my belly, the one pair that fit over any of my belly was a super relaxed fit.
I also found a pack of XL undershirts in the box, so i busted one out for the photos. it barely reaches my navel. I'm also pretty sure the last time i wore an XL was maybe 6th grade... no idea why I had a pack of shirts this small.
Really starting to hit a stride as well, my 32/33 in waist pants are desperately straining and it's the best feeling in the world when someone else tells me they look tight!