Feedback and suggestions

Fantasy feeder version 2

You can attach images to your post by making a post, then clicking the paper clip icon.

Edit: No worries! smiley
9 years

Fantasy feeder version 2

I miss the "currently feeling" section on my profile!
9 years

Fantasy feeder version 2

Does writing in Toronto, Ontario, Canada specifically help? Or is it glitching out.

Here's a direct link to editting location:
9 years

Fantasy feeder version 2

2. when in chat, and you want to check out a chatters profile, it never works. just get a "Google Chrome's connection attempt to localhost was rejected. The website may be down, or your network may not be properly configured." message.

That's because the test-chat is up right now instead of the original chat. It's temporary.
9 years

Fantasy feeder version 2

3. when searching through pics, and say youve gone onto page 3, and checking a posters pics... when you press back and expect get back to page 3... youre brought straight back to page 1 instead everytime.

This is because of the way the pages now work. When you page through pics, only the images are refreshed (not the whole page). this speeds things up because there's less data to send back to your browser. However it means that effectively you're on the same page even if you've clicked through several pages of images. So when you click the browser back button it goes to the previous full page. I'll try and get a fix for this, in the meantime try using the breadcrumb or pager instead of the back button.
9 years

Fantasy feeder version 2

i seriously dislike this new ff
9 years

Fantasy feeder version 2

I recently tried logging into chat, but the program would continually fail to load. When it finally did load and work, the chat logged me in as someone other than me.

I tried logging out of chat and out of FF and logging back in to see if that fixed the problem, but now chat just says "Error#0" (or something like that) when I try to connect to it.

Is this just a temporary problem that comes with updating the site?

The problem of users being logged into chat as a different user is hopefully now fixed.

If you try to log into chat but get "Error#0" it means that your chat window cannot connect to the chat server. This could be for a number of reasons but most often it's because you network (or the Internet) is busy/slow and it times out. If you try again at a less busy time it should connect.
9 years

Fantasy feeder version 2

I'm obviously MONTHS late on this hahaha. But no, still doesn't work uwu

Ooh, darn. =x I'll let the site owner know.
8 years
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