
Your stuffing fantasy

girlstuffsgirl wrote:
lesbianasexualstuffer wrote:
holy shit I got a little carried away there... sorry for filling up the page!! :o

My god, you write well!


*rushing to lesbiansexualstuffer's profile to see if she has written any stories*
9 years

Your stuffing fantasy

You need to make this into a short story and post in the stories section. It is just sooooo goooooood!

lesbianasexualstuffer wrote:
I want to be in a force-feeding centered BDSM relationship, and get caught by my Mistress doing something naughty, like eating dessert that she was saving for later. But instead of getting mad she just smiles sweetly and says it's ok, I can make it up to her right now. She has me help her cook a small dinner party's worth of delicious gourmet food... fancy pasta, roasted duck, a huge designer salad that's more cheese and croutons than vegetables, fresh fruit over thick but foamy vanilla mousse, a fancy spiced Italian pizza, loaves of specialty bread (savory rye, gooey garlic bread, cheese and shallot biscuits...), mounds of expensive, rich cheese, thick juicy steak fillets wrapped in bacon, crepes with custard and sweet jam, a huge cheesecake, batches of caramel chocolate cookies, homemade gelato, dark chocolate eclairs, light fluffy cupcakes in every flavor... And I'm thinking that she's going to punish me by stuffing me in front of a dinner party, there's no way she'll seriously try to make me eat all this... But I sit down and gorge myself anyway, and just as I feel like I'll burst, I weakly ask her when the guests will arrive, but I see her take out her ropes, and the last bite of cheesecake sticks in my throat. I'm powerless to stop her, she's so beautiful and sweet, and I can't let her down... I moan pitifully as she presses a beautiful handmade eclair into my mouth, and prepare for the worst. I'm so, sooo full... I'll probably get nauseous in a few minutes and have to use the safe word, oh but I don't want to, I just want to keep eating and eating... Soon I can feel my jeans forming a restricting meridian around my waist, and my belly feels like it's on fire. But this time it's different. I'm starting to feel a lot of pain and pressure, but no nausea. I groan and steal a glace at my heaving middle. It's bigger than it should be, oh my god, how is she doing this to me? My jeans feel like they're being drawn tighter by corset strings. Just as I feel like they'll cut me in two, a loud pop sounds over my muffled complaining and her giggling and teasing. Unbelievable... is it even possible to pop open jeans by stuffing? My mind feels as heavy as my groaning middle. My skin is stretched tight from chest to legs. Now even my mistress is surprised. How much can you hold, chubby girl? she muses with genuine wonder. Her hands glide over, then poke and prod my distended abdomen. I grunt weakly in between my quick panting. My lungs feel squashed between my stomach and skin. She reopens the bread basket, and garnishes each into a tiny masterpiece of butter, cheese, spices, onions... My brain is screaming at me to stop this, but the rolls are so delicious, I want more... I'm aching and trembling all over, but the fire in my belly is oozing outward, and it overwhelms my nerves so much that I feel euphoric. This is better than an orgasm; it's total surrender to gluttony and overindulgence. Adrenaline rushes into my aching jaws and renews their ravenous fervour. I notice a new sensation on my back and belly, and manage to roll my heavy head down to see. I've swelled up so much, my midsection is lightly nudging the table and the chair back. I fuss over my unnatural shape, but my mistress is mesmerized. She runs her hands over my overstretched stomach, pushing and pinching. But she can't even gather any skin with pinches, it's so very tight... I notice my blissful fire receding, and impulsively call out, ugh, don't stop! She slowly raises her gaze to meet mine, and grins. Oh, I'm not done yet, she says with a sharp, mocking tone. First you eat my dessert, then consume half this feast, and you're still not satisfied. I think it's time I taught you... She pauses and slices a huge wedge of cheesecake. ...Some portion control. I'm in for it now. I practically choke down it's rich, dense mass, she's stuffing it into me so quickly. Bottle after bottle of sparkling juice are drained, plates are emptied, containers are ravaged, pretty tray arrangements are decimated. I can feel my skin stretching, my organs shifting, and my stomach wobbling and sloshing. My arms feel tight against my sides, and my thighs are pushed apart by the weight of my bloated middle. I have lost all human shape, and am decidedly round. My mistress or I should be panicking at my impossible state, but we are powerless to curb our desires. She is frantically gathering the last of the feast now. Eat, eat, eat! She bellows, squealing with glee. I have felt my shirt riding up for a while now, but I begin to see my skin beneath it, even over the quivering horizon of my new expanse. She cheekily pokes a finger into my inflamed navel; her long slender digit doesn't even reach its new depth. I cry out in surprise, anguish, and helpless addictive pleasure.It hits me exactly how big around I've grown. If I could put my arms out, they wouldn't even reach the middle of my ballooning torso. I should feel terrified, but I've never been more stricken with ecstasy. I let out sloppy, weary whimpers and groans, and am accompanied by intense rippling gurgles from within me. My Mistress strokes me more gently now, exploring my impossibly massive expansion. You're so huge, she says, bewildered. You ate it all, every last bite, I'm... I can't believe you can do this! She suddenly springs up and unties me. My arms flop forward sharply from the pressure of my swollen back, tilting me forward so I nearly lose my balance. It sounds strange, but I can feel my stomach pushing up into my arms and legs for lack of anywhere else to go. She orders me to stand, but I fall limply to my knees under my new weight, and then forward onto my stomach. It's so massive that it props up my lolling head and neck nearly a foot off the floor. I scramble to push myself up with my hands and feet, but can get no leverage with my belly in the way. My mistress absolutely loses it, laughing and poking me giddily. With a heave and grunt, she rolls me over like a bundle of carpet. My limbs flop helplessly to the floor, splayed out like radiating droplets from splatters of spilled batter. Pushing, panting, protesting, we manage to prop me up against the wall in a mockery of a sitting position. I can't see over my belly without craning my neck, but I hear her going through the kitchen. Frantically she begins to gather leftovers and whip up batters and creams. In between waiting for mixers and oven timers, she's stooped over me, stuffing and rubbing me like a turkey. Practically all pain has been replaced by deep, intense pressure. I'm not flabby or floppy, but extremely round and heavy. She keeps feeding me well into the night, marvelling at my ridiculous proportions. I grow more comical with every bite. My arms and legs disappear into my swelling body, and I begin to resemble a large plump vegetable, like a slightly squat but swollen, smooth squash with little indents containing hands and feet. My clothing sits above and below me, torn, stretched, and vestigial. I can't move except to flip my hands and feet about in an absurd, futile manner. My mind is on a whole other level of bliss. I'm so helpless and vulnerable, my overstretched belly protruding several feet out in front of me, displaying the deep, squishy, pitcher-sized dimple that has become of my belly button. I occasionally get nervous and squirm and wobble about, but my mistress occupies me with even more delicious filling. Grinning, she climbs atop me and flops down on the tight but yielding surface of what used to be my shoulders and chest, now puffed up into some hilarious makeshift beanbag chair. With a flair, she crams one last gooey cookie into my mouth, which barely clears the surface of the swelling around my head. You've eaten every last bit of food in this house, she chides. Have you learned your lesson? I'm so bloated and crammed full, so exhausted and stretched out all over. But it feels so good, so erotic... The fiery swollen feeling is everywhere now, filing me with shivers and aches and washes of incomparable orgasmic bliss. My rational mind screams out that I'm ruined, I can never go back now. Have I learned a lesson? I dreamily watch my mistress tracing my body with her fingertips, and trembling with delight. I have learned something indeed: how to become a twisted creature that will serve and delight her always, and maybe satisfy my eternal hunger.
9 years

Your stuffing fantasy

I would love to just be fed fattening foods till my absolute limit and kept at that limit for days expanding my belly each day
9 years

Your stuffing fantasy

Good lord.

You need to make this into a short story and post in the stories section. It is just sooooo goooooood!

[quote]lesbianasexualstuffer wrote:
I want to be in a force-feeding centered BDSM relationship, and get caught by my Mistress doing something naughty, like eating dessert that she was saving for later. But instead of getting mad she just smiles sweetly and says it's ok, I can make it up to her right now. She has me help her cook a small dinner party's worth of delicious gourmet food... fancy pasta, roasted duck, a huge designer salad that's more cheese and croutons than vegetables, fresh fruit over thick but foamy vanilla mousse, a fancy spiced Italian pizza, loaves of specialty bread (savory rye, gooey garlic bread, cheese and shallot biscuits...), mounds of expensive, rich cheese, thick juicy steak fillets wrapped in bacon, crepes with custard and sweet jam, a huge cheesecake, batches of caramel chocolate cookies, homemade gelato, dark chocolate eclairs, light fluffy cupcakes in every flavor... And I'm thinking that she's going to punish me by stuffing me in front of a dinner party, there's no way she'll seriously try to make me eat all this... But I sit down and gorge myself anyway, and just as I feel like I'll burst, I weakly ask her when the guests will arrive, but I see her take out her ropes, and the last bite of cheesecake sticks in my throat. I'm powerless to stop her, she's so beautiful and sweet, and I can't let her down... I moan pitifully as she presses a beautiful handmade eclair into my mouth, and prepare for the worst. I'm so, sooo full... I'll probably get nauseous in a few minutes and have to use the safe word, oh but I don't want to, I just want to keep eating and eating... Soon I can feel my jeans forming a restricting meridian around my waist, and my belly feels like it's on fire. But this time it's different. I'm starting to feel a lot of pain and pressure, but no nausea. I groan and steal a glace at my heaving middle. It's bigger than it should be, oh my god, how is she doing this to me? My jeans feel like they're being drawn tighter by corset strings. Just as I feel like they'll cut me in two, a loud pop sounds over my muffled complaining and her giggling and teasing. Unbelievable... is it even possible to pop open jeans by stuffing? My mind feels as heavy as my groaning middle. My skin is stretched tight from chest to legs. Now even my mistress is surprised. How much can you hold, chubby girl? she muses with genuine wonder. Her hands glide over, then poke and prod my distended abdomen. I grunt weakly in between my quick panting. My lungs feel squashed between my stomach and skin. She reopens the bread basket, and garnishes each into a tiny masterpiece of butter, cheese, spices, onions... My brain is screaming at me to stop this, but the rolls are so delicious, I want more... I'm aching and trembling all over, but the fire in my belly is oozing outward, and it overwhelms my nerves so much that I feel euphoric. This is better than an orgasm; it's total surrender to gluttony and overindulgence. Adrenaline rushes into my aching jaws and renews their ravenous fervour. I notice a new sensation on my back and belly, and manage to roll my heavy head down to see. I've swelled up so much, my midsection is lightly nudging the table and the chair back. I fuss over my unnatural shape, but my mistress is mesmerized. She runs her hands over my overstretched stomach, pushing and pinching. But she can't even gather any skin with pinches, it's so very tight... I notice my blissful fire receding, and impulsively call out, ugh, don't stop! She slowly raises her gaze to meet mine, and grins. Oh, I'm not done yet, she says with a sharp, mocking tone. First you eat my dessert, then consume half this feast, and you're still not satisfied. I think it's time I taught you... She pauses and slices a huge wedge of cheesecake. ...Some portion control. I'm in for it now. I practically choke down it's rich, dense mass, she's stuffing it into me so quickly. Bottle after bottle of sparkling juice are drained, plates are emptied, containers are ravaged, pretty tray arrangements are decimated. I can feel my skin stretching, my organs shifting, and my stomach wobbling and sloshing. My arms feel tight against my sides, and my thighs are pushed apart by the weight of my bloated middle. I have lost all human shape, and am decidedly round. My mistress or I should be panicking at my impossible state, but we are powerless to curb our desires. She is frantically gathering the last of the feast now. Eat, eat, eat! She bellows, squealing with glee. I have felt my shirt riding up for a while now, but I begin to see my skin beneath it, even over the quivering horizon of my new expanse. She cheekily pokes a finger into my inflamed navel; her long slender digit doesn't even reach its new depth. I cry out in surprise, anguish, and helpless addictive pleasure.It hits me exactly
9 years

Your stuffing fantasy

I love cooking. My ultimate fantasy would be to have a feedee, cook all his favourite foods and just watch him indulge.
Then, when he starts getting full, take his shirt off, tie him up and force feed him a little more.
Nothing is hotter than a full-bellied man groaning with a mix of satisfaction and slight discomfort.

Afterward, I'd just rub his belly and kiss it all over and we'd cuddle and watch some tv. smiley

Oh yes please!
8 years

Your stuffing fantasy

One stuffing fantasy I have is to feed a woman until she weighs 7, 000 pounds. She's in no pain. I just happily sit on her belly as she hiccups and burps.
8 years

Your stuffing fantasy

at this very moment, I would love to ride somebody's face while eating cupcakes smiley

Ummm me, right here.

Being employed as some kind of erotic slave (assistant) for a dirty old man. If I make a mistake, he has the power to make me grow huge against my will. Sometimes, he force feeds me if I resist his orders.

He likes to watch me try to do my daily tasks, watching me waddle through the kitchen, barely fitting between the counter and the stove.

Sometimes he'll make me wash the kitchen floor on my hands and knees just for a show. He will be walking through a small space at the exact same time I am just so he can get stuck between the wall and my huge belly rolls. Always by "accident" of course.[/quote. ] why does he have to be dirty to fatten you up? ?????? smiley[quote]
8 years

Your stuffing fantasy

My Feedee and I go to a club, where people with our fetish meet. All feedees are naked, only wearing a dog collar, with a lead on it. First they were massured: weight, extant.....
Then there is the first battle: Which feedee can eat most? Of course they are neeling like pig and eating out of troughs. After this they are really stuffed, the bellies are hanging, they are sweating like pigs.
Phase two: They will get seated in big chairs like they have at the dentist. Now they get tube-fed till their brim with high-calorie fluid.
In the end they will get measured again.
Winner is who growed the max ;-).
After the feedees had a little break to get to breath, maybe a little bellymassage or whatever ;-) Phase thee is following: Who is able to do some slight sport? A little running, where the full belly is bouncing, a little push ups, sit ups.....
Which Feeder has the best feedee?

I like the tougths. There is only one Thing: pigs can't sweat, it's biologicaly impossible.
8 years

Your stuffing fantasy

Yes, I know ;-). But my feedee can! And will! :-)

lucky feedee... ;-)
8 years

Your stuffing fantasy

My Feedee and I go to a club, where people with our fetish meet. All feedees are naked, only wearing a dog collar, with a lead on it. First they were massured: weight, extant.....
Then there is the first battle: Which feedee can eat most? Of course they are neeling like pig and eating out of troughs. After this they are really stuffed, the bellies are hanging, they are sweating like pigs.
Phase two: They will get seated in big chairs like they have at the dentist. Now they get tube-fed till their brim with high-calorie fluid.
In the end they will get measured again.
Winner is who growed the max ;-).
After the feedees had a little break to get to breath, maybe a little bellymassage or whatever ;-) Phase thee is following: Who is able to do some slight sport? A little running, where the full belly is bouncing, a little push ups, sit ups.....
Which Feeder has the best feedee?

I like the tougths. There is only one Thing: pigs can't sweat, it's biologicaly impossible.

Pigs can't sweat, but humans who make pigs of themselves can!
7 years
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